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LTPC Chapter 8: Mrs. Gu

Zhang Rongrong and Yi Ran talked into the middle of the night. As friends, they also gave each other a lot of opinions, support and encouragement. This also made Yi Ran’s somewhat uneasy emotions calm down. After all, Zhang Rongrong worked in a mental health center and was proficient in psychology. Moreover, Yi Ran was an innately happy person. Once a decision was made, there will be no need to think about it again.

Director Gu had originally said for them to get married in a week, but once he started working, his concentration was amazing. When he finally took the time to find her again, a month had already passed. 

This day can also be regarded as a good day to get married. Yi Ran’s foot injury was nearly recovered. The weather in late summer was no longer so hot and difficult, and the sun shined with bright vitality over the entire city, even as the cool breeze traced the faces of the people as it blew past. 

They planned to meet at the Civil Affairs Bureau, where Gu Tingchuan will register their marriage. She asked him over the phone, “This, I don’t have to talk to your parents first?”

Gu Tingchuan was preparing to park, and his hands were light on the edge of the steering wheel. He tapped it gently and said in a low voice, "My parents knew about our marriage and agreed to it. I can take you back to see the parents after I received the certificate. Right now, they are in Germany with my big brother and will come back in a few days."

“So, Gu Tai also knows about this? "

Through the microphone on the headset came the sound of a chuckle. “Mmm, of course, but he is abroad with my mother.”

Yi Ran didn’t know why but she suddenly wanted to see the reaction of the little boy when he heard the news. She thought it would be very cute... 

The sky was bright and white. She walked towards Gu Tingchuan’s tall figure and went all the way up to him. In front of the private car, she stood in place and waved and smiled at him.

Gu Tingchuan thought that this seemed to be the first time someone gave him such a greeting. He was surprised and gazed at her for a while before breaking the silence. “Let’s go in.” 

The marriage procedures went smoothly. It wasn’t until Yi Ran saw the little book in her hand did she finally react, realizing that she was now married to the big director.

Seeing the field for marital status, she discovered that this man really had a kind of magic power, because, with his guidance, it seemed that the process of marriage itself had never been so natural or simple. 

Gu Tingchuan ignored her dazed look. After starting the car, he looked at her sideways and said, “I have to go back to the company first. Xiao Zhao already had the moving company send me your luggage. We should see it when we go back tonight. You'll follow me to the company first."

He paused, turned off the air conditioning in the car, and asked, "Do you have other arrangements?"

Yi Ran immediately shook her head. On such a day, what other arrangements could she have?

When Gu Tingchuan asked her to move to his downtown apartment, there were all kinds of worries but she really didn’t have any good reasons to refuse. So, naturally, she could only promise him. 

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