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LTPC Chapter 60: Interview

Even if she was certain that Gu Tingchuan would return to his dazzling peak, when she really received feedback from the audience, she couldn’t help but feel ecstatically happy. 

In fact, what circles were not like this? There may be turbidity and filth, but these could also be erased by idealism and changes. 

Yi Ran just liked Director Gu’s temperament of being “out of the mud but not being stained.” Today, he seemed to be washed by fireworks and returned back to the peak where he belonged. 

Her heart was full with too much sweetness that she almost brushed passed her picture without paying attention to it. 

It was taken by journalists and fans who came to the scene. Several photos had certain degrees of blurriness, but she and Gu Tinghuan clearly stood side by side. By chance, they happened to be looking at each other. The man’s expression was calm and serene, and although she looked a little nervous, the light at the bottom of her eyes was firm and brilliant. 

The busy staff and the chaotic scene around them had become nothing but background noise. 

If it weren’t for the fact that everyone knew that they were a couple, the two people in the photo appeared to portray the sentiment of a love movie. 

However, it was obvious to anyone with a good eye that Gu Tingchuan’s first reaction during the event was to soothe his wife’s emotions. 

They didn’t require much clarifications. With just one look, they already understood each other. 

Yi Ran quickly saved the picture on her mobile phone. 

She had thought for a while last night and still couldn’t figure out what to post on Weibo in response to everyone. Now that she saw these photos, she finally gained inspiration. So, she tapped out a few lines:

One looks for this kind of feeling for all of one’s life...In the second half, you must remember to go to the cinema to find it. (*wink)

Then, she picked a pleasing ID from one of those movie fans and forwarded the photos. 

After posting on Weibo, Yi Ran felt refreshed and looked up at the sky outside the window. The clouds were like cottons in the exceptionally clear sky. When she saw the familiar building on the roadside, she realized that they had arrived at the school. 

The car stopped steadily near the main entrance of Haben International School. She thanked the driver as usual and opened the door to step out. As she did so, she heard loud noises coming from the crowd of people outside. 

Yi Ran hadn’t realized that there were so many people in front of the school gate so she was unprepared when she stepped out.

The moment the door was closed, the crowd of people surged toward her eagerly. 

Yi Ran narrowed her brows tightly, feeling as if a sharp wind had suddenly came up against her, chilling her from beginning to end. 

At this time, the driver seemed to have said something from behind her, but there were so much noises swarming over her all at once that she couldn’t hear him. She saw a lot of tall photographers holding their cameras aloft in front of her. Meanwhile, a female reporter thrusted a microphone in front of her face. 

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