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LTPC Chapter 64: Call the Police

Even two days after arriving in Vancouver, Canada, Yi Ran was so excited that she didn’t even seem to have jet lag. 

Gu Tingchuan first took her on a big ship to experience deep sea fishing. There were professionals and friends who also accompanied them.

The wind and waves at sea were not big, and the weather was perfect, if a little cold in October. They had on professional sea fishing clothing, which was waterproof and helped kept the cold at bay. Gu Tingchuan took her in his arms to show her how to do certain things.

There were no clouds, just blue sea and blue sky everywhere. The man’s voice was soaring in the breeze as he patiently introduced her to all related knowledge regarding deep sea fishing and fish species. 

"Fishes are generally divided into surface fish, shallow fish, middle fish and bottom fish. Different fishing gears are used to catch different types of fish." Then, he helped her tie the bait to the fishhook. 

Yi Ran's interest in fishing was certainly not as strong as him, but she had the novice’s good luck. Her hook quickly caught a heavy fish. But, because the fish in the sea was too big, she couldn’t reel it in and so it didn't take long until she ran out of energy. 

"...Gu, Gu Tingchuan! There’s a fish on my hook!!" 

Soon after she called out his name, Gu Tingchuan come behind her and reached out to hold her hands. Together, they exerted force and immediately began to reel the big fish in. Seeing the fish jumping lively on the floor, Yi Ran also jumped excitedly. She turned back and held her husband in her arms. 

When the friends around them saw their affection, they immediately applauded and begged them to kiss one another. Gu Tingchuan responded to their request. While Yi Ran was still unresponsive, he lowered his head and pulled her into his arms. Then, he placed his lips on her mouth and kissed her. 

Afterward, Yi Ran bit her bottom lip in embarrassment, and continued to talk and laugh casually with Gu Tingchuan’s friends. 

The man's posture was a lot looser than when he was at home, and Yi Ran looked at his gentle profile in the slightly warm sunlight. Even his eyes had a strong smile, making her feel that this vacation was like dreaming. 

It seemed that sea fishing could make these men's adrenaline soar.

Gu Tingchuan hooked his lips and looked at her, "Is it interesting?" 

Yi Ran held his hand. Although the hull was still bumpy, she also enjoyed it. "It's interesting, and it's an eye-opener." 

To experience this with her lover. Wasn’t it a great blessing to be able to visit the thousand worlds together?

What's more, they could also admire each other's nature. 

Gu Tingchuan could see that she was really indulging in this kind of happiness. He hugged her from behind and leaned slightly on her shoulder. At this moment, the two of them quietly talked to each other as they looked at the clean, blue water gleaming in front of them. 

The past two days were full of fun, but it was also very exhausting. After returning to the hotel that night, she fell asleep without even saying a few words. 

Fortunately, the next two days did not require wind and sun. Director Gu took her to see several exhibitions, especially the Vancouver Art Museum, which is one of the more famous local historical monuments. 

Although it was a bit cold, Yi Ran was always warm in her heart, so there was no need to fear this chill. 

The two held a quiet visit in front of various exhibits and did not have to worry about paying attention to various reporters and fans. After all, people who can recognize them outside of China was extremely rare. Therefore, she gave everything her wholehearted attention as Gu Tingchuan whispered about the history of several works and the life of the artists. 

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