Chapter thirteen

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You arrived at your English class with Kook following behind, out of breath from running after you. You sat down, setting your books on your desk with a thud.
"Good morning class. Today as you all know your projects are due. Please come up and put them in the bin." Your teacher announced. You grabbed yours out of you bad and we're about to get up, when Jungkook took and from you and brought it up for you along with his. You smiled at the small but caring gesture. When he sat back down you smiled at him and he smiled back.
The rest of the class was pretty boring. All you did was learn about a famous guy who died and how to perfect the essence of an essay. Nothing new.
The bell rang and you packed your stuff up. You and Jungkook walked to the cafe together and sat down at his table.
"Hey guys!" Jimin said, obviously excited that you were there.
"Hey Chim." You smiled back. Then you looked over at Jungkook and smiled, relaxing him.
"Let's go grab our food." Namjoon suggested. Everyone nodded and you all headed to the buffet. Your school was a privet school so you ate pretty well. You all grabbed your food and walked back to the table.
"So, Y/n. Tell us about you." Tae told you.
"Oh, uhm. I'm really not that interesting. What do you want to know?" You questioned.
"Uhh, what helped shape you into who you are today?" He replied. He was very optimistic. You liked it.
"Well, mostly my brother. My dad helped a little, but mostly just broke me down. And my mom is a pretty big part of who I am. She helps me make all my hard decisions, my brother helped make me feel better when I was at my lowest. He was like my backboard, and my dad was the reason I needed my brother." You explained.
"If you don't mind me asking, why did you say 'was' for your brother and dad but 'is' for your mom?" Yoongi questioned.
"Oh, uhm." Jungkook saw you start to shift around in your seat and reached for your hand. You let him hold it.
"Let's change the subject?" Jungkook suggested. You looked over at him with a small smile and nodded.
"Sorry Y/n. I didn't mean to-" Yoongi tried to say but you interrupted him.
"No, it's okay." You replied. Jungkook noticed that you started to get a little shakey as you did whenever you got anxious. You would start to clench you jaw, tap your heel, or shake slightly.
"You okay?" He whispered in your ear.
"Yeah I'm fine, just a little anxious." You told him. He took his jacket off and gave it to you to make sure you were warm because being cold while anxious makes it worse sometimes, that was one of the things you told him on your date. You were surprised he still remembered.
"I'm gonna go get a drink. You guys want anything?" You asked. Everyone nodded and you got up and left.
~Jungkook's P.O.V~
Y/n left and my heart felt empty. She was anxious and I understood why. I just wish there was something I could do to help her, but what she needs right now is to breath.
"Kook. We need to talk." Namjoon told me.
"What is it hyung?" I answered back.
"The bet is off." He replied. My eyes widened.
"What? Why?" I questioned.
"Because, Y/n isn't like the other girls we have betted on. It seems like she has had a rough past. Who shakes when family members are brought up if something bad didn't happen? I just think this is wrong. She really seems to be into you and we all know that Y/n has a really hard time trusting people. We will give you someone else to let fall for you. Y/n doesn't deserve this." He told me.
He was right, but was she falling for me or was I falling for her?

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