Chapter eleven (slight 🔞)

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You got to your house and let Jungkook in with you. You lead him up to your room and let him sit on your bed while you got the makeup off your face.
"So, what happened?" He asked.
"Well, yesterday when I got home from hanging out with you, I was trying to get up to my room. Little did I know my dad was awake. He got really frustrated and went back to his old ways, you know, abusive ways. He hit me a couple of times and knocked me to the floor. He was about to hit me again but then my mom came in and made him leave. Now he's gone, for good." You told him. He looked at you with so much care and understanding.
"I'm so sorry, Y/n." He told you with a genuine look in his eyes. You walked over to the bed and sat down next to him.
"Don't be sorry, you didn't do anything. I'm just happy he's gone." You replied.
"Well if he ever comes back, don't hesitate to call me. I will always be here for you." He guaranteed you.
You got the sudden urge to kiss him, so you did. You leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips. It was meant to be a sweet little peck, but he pulled you in. He deepened the kiss by slipping his tongue into your mouth. Both of your tongues fought for dominance, his winning. You fell onto the bed and he hovered over you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he around your waist.
He started trying to pull your shirt up and you gave in, letting him take it off. Then your pants. You helped him take off his shirt keeping your lips connected. He continued to kiss you, leaving a trail of kisses down to your neck. Then using it as his own little art gallery, painting it in dark shades of purple and blue. Just as he was about to move down to your bra line, you heard the front door open and close. You both paused and stared at each other.
"Shit! My moms home. You have to go." You told Jungkook jumping up and throwing your clothes back on. He did the same.
"How do I leave? She'll see me if I try to go out the front door." He pointed out. He was right. You looked around your room and noticed your window.
"How high can you jump from?" You questioned. He matched your gaze and look at the window as well, then back at you with wide eyes.
"Are you serious?" He asked you. You nodded and he sighed. Then he looked back over at you and pecked your lips.
"Text me later." He told you and with that he was gone. Out the window he went.
You laid back in your bed, relived but also kind of mad at yourself. He made you feel so different. He made you feel valid and safe, but it wasn't right. He shouldn't be making you feel that way. Jeon Jungkook. Your schools biggest playboy, was making you fall for him deeper and deeper every time you looked into his chocolate eyes. His perfect lips.
Everything about him was just starting to drive you insane. You couldn't fall for him. You had an entire future ahead of you, and he wasn't gonna get in the way of that. You made up your mind. You would start ignoring him, starting right now. No answering his texts, calls, FaceTimes, nothing. And when he would talk to you in the hallway you would turn the other way, be the you you used to be.
This was the perfect plan. He would get annoyed of your ignorance and leave you alone. Right? There's plenty of other girls lives he could ruin. But not yours. You had your mind set. No more Jungkook.

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