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A tall figure ran through an alleyway. How did the tall figure get here, you ask? The tall figure fixed his helmet, his red-orange eyes glowing like fire.
He was on a mission. He had been on it for a few months now.
And he had to get there before the drones, or clones.
He was looking for someone.
His mission was to capture him.
But, he wasn't going to do that.

The Tall Man stopped in his tracks.
He saw eyes. Two glowing blue swirls in the distance.

The dots came closer until a bright red figure with blue hair stepped out of the shadows, a dark red and purple gun in it's hands.
It pointed the gun.

The Tall Man stepped back, putting his hand up and pulling out his sword with a glowing orange planet in the middle of it.
"My dear, DistrictOmen, I am not here for the reason you believe I am." The Tall Man said, trying to keep his loud voice low.
"Then what are you doing here?" DistrictOmen asked, clenching her teeth.
"Worry not, DistrictOmen, I want to make a deal. I know you dislike Alone, and I do aswell." The tall figure said, trying to keep his voice low once again as he bowed.


The tall figure put his sword back on his back.
The Tall Figure fixed his helmet again, opening his mouth to reveal sharp teeth.
"Aezore locked me up for years, under the earth. I was used for a war, and a war only; I had nothing to do while I remained there... chained up and alone in the pitch black cave. I saw The Fox there, I tracked him down, I murdered him, as you probably know, and once Alone came down, I forced him into a fight. I want justice, being on this side is not easy. Agree with me, AND I WILL LEAD YOU TO VICTORY!" He said, failing to keep his voice low before finishing his sentences.

"How do I know you're not lying, Aresmons?" DistrictOmen held the illegal weapon up higher, walking forward to the dangerous super solider.
"I promise to explain, my dear. Take me to your hiding spot before the drones find us. I did not expect to find you here; this is not Petramia."

"...Fine. Come on." DistrictOmen said. "Hands behind your back, you giant." She walked behind Aresmons, aiming the weapon at his head as she escorted him to the hiding spot.

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