Chapter 4 : Darkness

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POV : AloneTraveler

My sword was missing.

I recognized this pitch black room.
The shitty light.
The light floor.
And the glowing eyes in the dark!

Wait, glowing eyes in the dark?

I gasped and walked back and up against the wall as the eyes stepped into the light. How did... SELOZAR... find this out?
Now that I think about it, Aresmons' tracking device hasn't moved much. Maybe he found Omen and told SELOZAR. It is also recording audio, so we could turn off the device and listen to any past audio, but we could not turn the tracking device back on afterwards.
But he wouldn't do that. He is very against Omen and SELOZAR, and he protects people if they're on his side. He would never do that.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a marble-like hand wrap around my neck and hold me up against the wall.

"Heh, so it worked!" SELOZAR said, sticking his purple tongue out as me as if he was better than me.
I had nothing to worry about when it came to breathing. I don't have to breathe, though it can hurt a bit if I just don't inhale every now and then. What I had to worry about was any mental or physical damage he does to me.
"I can't believe you've done this to Sorrow. You're a sadist, you know that?" He continued. I am not a sadist.
I opened my mouth to speak, but he pressed me against the wall harder and higher.
"Seriously. You are sadistic." He went on. The Tall Half-Guardian picked me up and threw me to the wall beside us. I gasped and said quickly, "You know I can hurt you too. I cannot kill you without my sword, but I can harm you. Don't assume I don't know about this shit, traitor.".

He came up to me and used his foot to pin me to the wall. He was silent.

"I can still harm you more. I'm more powerful than you, you know this..." He growled quietly.

"I can even get ULEANRA here. I know how he tried to ruined your reputation, so you killed him! He may be dead, but that doesn't mean he can't come back as a ghost! Hahah!" He said, eventually.

"A ghost can't do shit, and I would give zero fucks if he came back." I replied, choking out the last part as he kicked me against the wall with his foot and leaned down to eye level with me. He stared into my eyes. I stared into his.

Then he grabbed my chin and held my head up against the wall, kicking me and then pushing me over. I let out a scream of shock and pain. This hurt more than it normally would.
He kicked my head. "I can give you brain damage again!" He teased, kicking my head again.
Shit, he can do that.
He backed up

and vanished, leaving me alone in the Darkness.

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