Chapter One : The Traitor's Truth

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(I dunno how to start this sksk)


I had been thinking about Alone and Sorrow for a long time.
Sorrow was dead. She killed herself. I've been crying my heart out at the thought of it... she was a great friend, I even loved her; now, they're just going to use her to kill me and she won't have mercy.

I wanted justice; I deserved it. Maybe if I wasn't related to those stupid guardians, none of this would have happened.
Though that wouldn't fix my jealously.

Of course, Aezore was emperor. I was a knight. Now I'm wanted.
I wanted power.
I felt tears form in my eyes.

I quickly turned my head as I heard footsteps approaching the cave entrance. But they were loud ones.

Loud and heavy footsteps.

Had someone, or something, found them?!
I quickly wiped the tears off of my face with my rock arm.
I started to panic as I stood up quickly and ran to the broken down wooden table.
The table had a bunch of pictures and paper on it. Pictures scribbled all over.
The important pictures.
Old and important to me.
The paper had the plan written all over them.
But most the important thing on the table was the gun Omen made. I grabbed the dark colored gun and ran towards rocks at the back of the cave. I hit underneath the rocks, as the piles were hollow underneath them.

I stared in disbelief as I saw the tall figure enter.
It was the thing, the monster I feared. It had found them.
But something was off.
His hands were behind his back.
His sword was missing.
He looked down as he walked.
He was oddly quiet.
And, there was Omen's gun pointed at his head.
What else was there?
Omen's hand.
Holding the weapon.

"SELOZAR?" I heard Omen say from behind the nine foot monster. "Come out. I know you can see me; Aresmons is okay."

I gulped as I stepped out, visibly shaking while aiming the gun at The Monster.
"Such a strong team you have, my dear, DistrictOmen," The Monster, known as 'Aresmons', sneered, surprisingly quiet, as he looked down at me at me despite being far away, his light glowing eyes staring into my eyes. He obviously could not help speaking.
I started to sweat.
I thought of the pillars. I grew bigger.
"Shut up." Omen said. "SELOZAR, come here, Aresmons will explain," Omen went on.

I gulped as we all moved to the back of the cave, where the giant piles of rocks were. I became my normal size, but that didn't mean I had my guard down. We sat down on the rocks. I looked at Aresmons. He was one foot taller than me. I tried to calm down as Aresmons explained everything, why he was here, and what he wanted.

"You want to... to join us?! How do we know you're not lying?! That you don't have a tracking device?! That'll you'll betray us at the last second?! That-" Omen cut me off. "SELOZAR. Let him finish."
"You see, little Zetozar, I understand why you are nervous about this. I believe you should allow me to join you. I would enjoy to see the looks of terror on The District Force's faces as they realize I, Aresmons, the strongest of The District Forces, have joined the enemy team," Aresmons said, half talking to himself.
"I-I-" I could not finish my sentence. I would have never thought of this, not in a a million years, would I have ever thought this would happen.
"I say, we let him join." Omen said, sticking her tongue out at me. I felt my face heat up a little bit.
"Fine... b-but if he tries anything, I-I'll use this!" I added quickly, grabbing the gun Omen made.
"Understood, Little Zetozar, I will not try anything." Aresmons ended the conversation.


(WoOoooOoO eNdiNg of ChaPteR oNe!1!1!1!11 ok so this obviously hasn't happened before, Aresmons is very loyal to tdf but it's an au. I'm probably gonna do foxicate's POV next chapter owo. You can leave your reviews in the comments! Thank you for reading! 💙)

SELOZAR has Monochromacy

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