9:00 pm

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Everytime I look at the sky
When I'm with you,
I can't believe that you're mine


I love the way she looks.
I love the way she smells.
I love the way she talks.
I love everything about her.


I am hopelessly infatuated with her. With her looks. With her personality. With her everything.


I don't know what got into me that night.
Maybe something about you just felt right.
I tried not to stare, but you were always in my sight.


I remember when we go out to buy ice cream at the park, I would always look at you. Like stare, or something like that. And just pull you in to kiss your lips and hold your waist. Then we'd pull away from each other and just hug like there was no tomorrow. How I miss those times.


Cold night, cold air
Without you, I feel bare.
Thinking that you were there.
Beside me.
But I realized you would'nt even care.


Whenever you were watching TV I would lie down on your lap and look at you from below. You were always annoyed, but I think you would'nt have been if you just saw the world from my point of view.


People say that the earth revolves around everything or some shit like that, but I'm pretty sure if Galilleo found you, he'd say the universe revolved around you.


I like holding your hands wherever we are because I want people to see that you're mine and I'm yours.


I know sweaters are your favourite things to buy, and that's why I keep taking them. I want to buy you new ones. Ones from the bottom of my heart.


My eyes are like missiles.
Locked on you and you alone.


I love you like I love my games.
I'll kill anyone that touches them.


Truth is, I love you.
Lie is, I don't.


Giving away some of pieces to you was probably my biggest risk. But swapping them with yours was definitely my best decision.


I play life like a game of cards.
You won't know what the others have until you've shown and risked yours.
Sometimes, its great.
Sometimes, its like having a knife in the gut.
But, I know one thing for sure.
I want to live my life doing everything I can and YOLOing it rather than have a life to regret later on.


I look at your flaws and overlook it. In fact, I embrace it. Simply because you did the same for me.


I made promises to you. You made promises to me. We'll fulfill them together.

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