Saving the Damsel 🐙

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Caitlin rounded the corner first with her hands up in surrender. Barry was braced, black viens wrapped over him as he levitated over blue flames. Now that he was in view she could see the Neverland urn hovering above Rogues' hands slowly piecing itself back together.

He found it, she was so sure they hid it somewhere safe.

"Alec!,"she shouted,"Don't do this. I know you Alec and even through all the things you've done I know this isn't who you are."

"Correction Caity. You knew me,"he threw his hand out and her back hit the stone wall.

24 hours earlier.

"Are you frikin joking right now?,"Caitlin yelled.

"Guys we don't have time for this,"Cisco cried.

"No, you're a liability. If it weren't for you Barry wouldn't be in this mess in the first place,"Iris argued.

"Without me you won't make it past the doors!,"Caitlin shot right back.

"Guys, there is no argument here. We all want Mr.Allen back safe and sound. We're all going,"Wells finalized.

"You're going to be locked away like the monster you are. I'll make sure of it,"Joe growled in her face.

Caitlin scoffed,"You know if you didn't mean so much to Barry I'd show you just how much of a monster I could really get."

If the flicker of her eyes frightened him he didn't show it.


"Rise and shine cupcake, "Rogue shouted grabbing Barry by his arm and yanking him out of his opened cell.

"Where are you taking me?"

As they passed by Carmella's cell Barry caught a fleeting glimpse of brown strands. Now stained in the red it was swimming in.

"Carmella? Carmella!," he shouted, panic rising the longer he went without a response. His hand ached with how hard he was fighting against his hold.

"No, what the hell did you do to her? You bastard!"

Rogue growled his frustration, gripping into the mess of dark hair and slamming Barry into the metal pipe on the wall hard enough for it to cave in from impact. "I can't think with all of that noise."


"According to this here DNA tracker Mr. Ramon whipped up for us Mr. Allen isn't technically on the map. But underground,"Harrison explained pointing to a location on the screen.

"Well how do we get there?,"Iris questioned.

"Leave that up to me,"Caitlin smirked.

"Oh come don't actually expect us to believe that a "Genie" has kidnapped Barry of all people. To perform a ritual that fixes a mystical vase," Joe rolled his eyes.

"Well it's true,"Wells told him. Caitlin said, "Or was my turning into a wretched beast not enough confirmation for you.

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