Chapter one

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When Jacob was eleven, he and his parents were staying in their cabin, out in the woods, on a mountain, at the end of a old dirt road. One day his parents had to go into town to buy food and even though he was still young they left him there alone.

Jacob was alone for about an hour reading when he heard the sound of a car in the drive way. He thought it was his parents so he went back back to his book, but then movement from the window caught his eye. Looking up he saw a man wearing a white mask starring in. The man then raised a bloody ax and shattered the window. Terrified Jacob ran and hid in the closet. Outside, he heard footsteps getting closer...closer...closer, the man was now so close Jacob could hear him breathing, he ripped open the door and dragged him out, and to stop him from screaming or running, he hit him on the head with the blunt end of his ax.

When Jacob woke, he was tied down to a chair in the middle of the living room and the man walked in brandishing a Large knife.

"Tell me boy." He said "Do you know the legend of the wendigo." He hissed.

"N-no I d-don't." Jacob stuttered. "W-what is it?" He asked.

"Well." The man had hissed. "According to Native American legend if you eat human meat in the woods, a terrible and blood thirsty beast will appear, and make you do terrible things, that is if it doesn't kill you in the first place, the man cackled. "Not to mention locals say there's a Wendigo in these woods likes the taste of children's flesh, and I plan to bring it me." the man hissed, raising the knife. Jacob screamed in pain as the man hacked his finger off. The man picked up his severed finger and ripped a chunk off of it. Suddenly the cabin was filled with the sound of a long and loud howling a creature.  The creature seemed to just appear in the room. It was a large creature, at least eight or nine feet tall, and was so thin that even through it's thick fur Jacob could clearly see it's ribs. It had no body fat, only muscle. It had a large dear skull for a head, with large sharp teeth, and with the exception of the head it's whole body was covered in black fur that was thickest around the chest. It had long talons, glowing blood red eyes and a long tail that slowly swished back and fourth a few inches from the ground. It was posed to kill. The creature lunged at the man who ducked out of the way and swung his axe into the creature's side. The creature turned its eye's darker then ever. It backed him against the wall and then proceeded to rip the man's stomach out. He screamed in pain in till the creature bite down on the man's neck.


After the man died the creature got up and walked over to Jacob.  The creature  raised a talon over its head and Jacob closed his eyes waiting for the claw to strike him, but it never happened.

The creature gently picked him up. It had only cut his binds. The creature carried him over the dead man, up the stairs, and into his parents room.  Then it sat him on the bed, and sat down in front of him. 

The creature ripped the axe out of it's side and threw it to the side of the room.

"Your hand." it whispered, in a low, soft and comforting voice, holding out its hand for Jacob to place his hand on to. Jacob was scared of what the creature was going to do to him, but he was even more scared of what the creature would do to him if he didn't so he complied. When he did the creature closed its claws around his hand, and suddenly the non severed portion of his finger erupted in painful burning intensity, causing him to cry out in pain and to start tearing up.

"Shhhh, shhhh, it's going to be ok." The creature whispered, letting go of his hand. Instantly all the pain stopped. Jacob looked down at his hand and to his surprise his finger was completely healed.

"B-but how?" Jacob asked.

"Peer magic little one." The wendigo whispered, but then it saw something. " Jacob, what's that?" he asked, pointing to the large wound on Jacob's scalp.

"Oh, it's nothing, r-really." Jacob said, nervously.

"Jacob, please you're hurt," The creature said, reaching for him.

"N-no really I'm fine, r-really." Jacob said, shakily, baking against the headboard.

"Jacob, I won't hurt you, I promise, please you can trust me." he said, again extending his hand for Jacob again.

Jacob looked up at the creature, it was smiling softly, while looking at him sympathetically, nervously he reached out and grabbed his hand.

The creature, pulled him closer, and placed his hand on the bruise, causing Jacob to wince slightly.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Y-yes." Jacob said.

"Are you sure?" The creature asked.

"Y-yeah I'm s-sure." Jacob said, nervously.

"You remember this will hurt right?" The creature, reminded him.

"Y-yes, I remember." Jacob said.

"Ok." The creature whispered soothingly.

Suddenly Jacob's head exploded in a throbbing pain, and to stop from crying in pain, he buried his face, in the creature's chest, which was incredibly warm and soft. The pain stopped after a few minutes. After the pain subsided, Jacob leaned back, and looked up at the creature.

"Jacob, are you alright?" The creature asked.

"Y-yeah I'm alright." Jacob said, sleepily. "But why am I so tired?" he asked.

"Most living things bodies can't take the sped up healing process, so it leaves them tired." The creature explained Jacob fell forward against him.

"That's right." he whispered. "Go to sleep." He said. "You're be tired for a little." As Jacob fell asleep.
The Creature looked down at Jacob who was now sleeping in his arms.
"Can't believe I had planned on killing you." He chuckled. "You were nearly murdered, and your parents were killed."
I'll tell him that in the morning, he thought, but for now I'll let him sleep.
 He then hugged Jacob close to him in a protective way.

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