Chapter 4: Villains first appearance.

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"DAMN IT ICEY-HOT! GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Bakugou yelled firing another blast at a villain. "Don't you all think we should be working together!?" Momo yelled. "I don't think Kacchan knows how to do that." Deku said running to the left side of the other villain, kicking him in the face. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY DEKU!?!" Bakugou yelled getting triggered and setting off a huge blast getting rid of most of the villains. "Bakugou settle down, we are in the city we don't want to hurt anyone!" Kaminari said concerned. "Guys a little help over here!" Deku called, needing back up. Deku tried to fight against the villain without using his quirk, but the villain knocked him down. The villain ran into a building. "Guys he ran into the building, call for an evacuation!" Sero said pointing to a tall building.

"Ugh these villains can be so annoying sometimes!" Bakugou rolled his eyes, sprinting down the street to the building. Mina stopped to help Deku up. Kirishima caught up with Bakugou. "Seems like you joined the fun after all Shitty Hair?" "How could I? This mission seemed like a perfect idea to let off some steam." They both chuckled as they sprinted as fast as they could down the street. They came to a stop at the front of the doors. Kirishima tried to open the doors to the building but they had locked it. "Why are villains like this?" Kirishima chuckled and backed up. "I don't fucking know." Bakugou followed Kirishima. They both looked at each other. "On three. One, Two, Three!" They sprinted at the door with full force, breaking it open. "Oh man. What a warm up." Kirishima said jogging in place. Bakugou looked up, there were so many stairs in the building. "Were just getting started." Bakugou started to blast his way up. Kirishima smiled, and started to race him up to the top of the building. "Ha loser. imma win 'cause I always do!" Bakugou said harshly sticking his tongue out at Kirishima. "Oh it's on!" Kirishima started to climb faster up the stairs as Bakugou looked down at Kirishima. Kirishima saw a villain, armored. "Shit! Bakugou above you!" Kirishima yelled. Bakugou turned around but it was already to late.

"Fuck!" Bakugou slightly missed the hit from the villain but took enough force to throw him off balance on onto the stairs. "Bakugou!" Kirishima yelled desperately. "Hold on." Kirishima went to strike the villain when his walkie talkie went off saying "Do not attack the villains!" (They had to use walkie talkies ever since the Pussy Cat that used telepathic communication got hurt.) "What the hell!? Then what I'm I supposed to do!?" Distracted the villain hit him, slicing his arm, he dropped his walkie talkie. "Bakugou get up!" Kirishima yelled over his shoulder, still trying to dodge the villains attacks. Bakugou got up and jumped off the side of the wall diving right into the villain, punching the villain in the face. Bakugou then blasted the villain into the wall. Bakugou jumped back onto the railing of the stairs. He popped his knuckles "That's what you fucking get when you mess with me and mess with my friend!" Kirishima stood on the stairs holding his arm, panting from the fighting. Bakugou stood there still angry and still had the anticipation still flowing through his veins. Kirishima sat down on the stairs, tired. Blood covered his hand, and dripped down his arm. Bakugou walked over to Kirishima "Damn." He said sitting down next to Kirishima. "It's nothing." Kirishima tried to avoid that he actually was bleeding a lot. The hold building shook, making the stairs they were on break lose. "-Oh shit!" Bakugou said grabbing Kirishima's hand and using his quirk to blast to the other side of the building, sitting down on those stairs. "The building wont last long..." Kirishima said looking around at the mess they created. Bakugou looked up, he sighed. Pieces of the building started to break lose making the structure unsteady. Kirishima and Bakugou stood up and began walking down the stairs, or what was left of some of it. The ceiling collapsed in, causing a ton of dust to spread in the air.

"Shit- we gotta go NOW!" Bakugou grabbed Kirishima's hand and started to glide his way down as fast as possible. He tried to go as smoothly so Kirishima wouldn't get more hurt. Kirishima looked up "Bakugou! Hurry up!!" "IM TRYING!!" "Don't worry about me and just get us the hell out of here!!" Kirishima yelled. "OKAY!" Bakugou went as fast as he could forgetting about the injury's Kirishima had. Kirishima squinted his eyes in pain, but tried to forget and just focus on getting out alive. They landed in the lobby of the building running as fast as they could towards the door. Concrete came crashing down, one by one. Kirishima and Bakugou dodged the metal wires and concrete. Kirishima reached into his pocket to grab his walkie talkie to call for back up but realized it wasn't there. At this point they were screwed. "C'mon Shitty Hair run faster! We are almost there!" Bakugou yelled trying to encourage Kirishima to run faster. At this point Kirishima had almost forgotten his injuries. Kirishima and Bakugou sprinted towards the doors. Without knowing Bakugou tripped and fell, his wrist got trapped between the floor and a chunk of concrete. Kirishima jumped out of the doors "We did- Bakugou!?!" Kirishima looked behind him seeing Bakugou trapped. Kirishima ran back in, the ceiling was only a few minutes away from crushing them both. Kirishima kneeled next to Bakugou desperately trying to set him free. "Shit! It wont budge!!" Kirishima's eyes frantically looked around for a different option. "Kirishima I need you to get out of here!" "NO WAY!" Kirishima yelled his eyes starting to tear up. "KIRISHIMA IM NOT PLAYING THESE GAMES, GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" Kirishima was shocked with fear. They were only a few seconds away from the ceiling crashing down on them. Kirishima stood up and ran to the door. He turned around "Bak-" Bakugou cut him off short "Get out of here while you still can!!" Kirishima turned around and jumped forward doing a small flip, he ran away from the building. He turned around, just to see the entire building collapse. "BAKUGOU!!" Kirishima yelled, tears flowed down his face. He fell onto a lamp-post and slowly gripped onto it sliding down until be completely melted to the floor.

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