Getting Adopted Part I

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After the scientists got arrested, we were all put in an adoption center and one by one checked on by doctors and interrogated. All together, the kids trapped in the lab were 24. I only really connected with Cameron and Angel.

"Camille Smith," called a lady agent who just came out of the interrogation room. "The doctor will see you now."

I get up and walk towards the door. When I get to the room where the doctor is examining us, there was a nurse, a doctor, and the lady agent. While the doctor was examining me, the lady agent started asking me questions:

H(her): What's your full name?

M(me): Camille Joanne Smith.

H: How old were you when you were taken?

M: Five.

H: How old are you now?

M: 17.

H: What's your birth date?

M: April 12, 2013.

H: So, you turned 17 today?

M: Yep.

Then she hugged me.

H: Do you have any mutations?

M: Yes.

H: Can you show me?

I stand in front of a wall and blend into it. I changed my hair from brown to turquoise and my brown eyes to gray. Then, I fly around the room. When I come down, the doctor, the nurse and the agent are floating above me.

H: What's happening?!?!

M: I'm so sorry! I release a powder that makes anything it lands on levitate.

I finish getting tested and interrogated and I go to the waiting room with the rest. I sit next to Cameron with Angel on my lap. Three agents come in and one of them says, "Okay, listen up! Anyone 18 and older can decide for their own where they want to go. The rest of you will stay here. All the media has learned that we have rescued you from rogue scientists, which means that a lot of important politicians and celebrities will want to come in and adopt you. Just be prepared for that.

Cameron, who is 21, was told that he had some family in town that wanted to see him. We said our tearful goodbyes and he left.

Angel and I were put in a room together because she refused to be away from me for too long. We spent the afternoon just flying around the room. Occasionally we had to come out of the room to meet some people looking to adopt us. It was mostly politicians and I think at one point it was Madonna's daughter. Some of the kids got adopted, it took much paperwork, but it also didn't take more than a few hours to fill out, so there are only about 16 of us left.

Then, two people came in, one of which I think I might've seen before. Where have I seen this guy before?

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