Getting Rescued

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April 12, 2030

"Rise and shine, Camille!"

The usual shouting of Charles Dixon rings in my ears. You might think this is a nice way to wake up, but to all of us trapped in this hell, it's more like if a shark warned you before it eats you. I trudged out of bed and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and my hair was fire red. It happens every time I hear that jackass' voice. I mean, I can change my appearance at will, but sometimes my emotions just take over and change my appearance for me. I shake my head and change my hair back to its original brown. I get showered and dressed and get ready for another day in my hell. 

"Ow," I said as I walked outside my room. I might've broken my ankle yesterday while fighting myself away from another stupid sex crazed scientist. Yeah, I keep getting almost raped. I'm telling you, it's hell.

I fly to Cameron's room. Cameron and I are quite close. We've been friends ever since I came to this place almost 12 years ago. I knock the door and he opens, also fully dressed. I didn't even need to speak before he hugged me tight and said, "Oh, Happy Birthday, Cami!!!"

"Wait, what?" I said. Then I remembered. It's the twelveth. "Oh right, I'm 17. Hurray." I said unenthusiastically.

I went into Cameron's room and he helped me with my twisted ankle. Cameron doesn't have any mutations, but all the experiments done on him, and every time he got punished when he saved me from some scientist who... wanted a lot more from me ... made him blind. I feel like it's all my fault. 

"I wanna get out of here, Cam," I said, "We need to leave."

Before he could respond, we heard a scream. I know who that is and I will never forgive myself if something happens to her.

I run towards her high pitched screams. When I reach her, I see her try to fight herself away from two bastards cornering her.

"Get away from her!" I yell. I fly towards Angel, the youngest out of all of us in the lab. I grab her hand, yell "Fly!" and fling her upward. She spreads her wings and flies to Cameron's room, as we practiced. I tried to fight them off, but then they started to corner me. They almost got me, but then behind me I hear, "CIA! Put your hands where I can see them!" The scientist put their hands up and I flew to Angel and Cameron. Angel and I grab Cameron, fly up to the ceiling, and watch everything go down.

"Cami, what's going on?" Angel and Cam ask me together.

"It's over, guys," I say, "It's finally over."

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