Memories on a Plane

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When I woke up the following day, I was in a plane. Angel was next to Mr. Payne, talking excitedly about how she would want her room decorated.

Seeing that I was awake, Mrs. Payne came towards me and sat down next to me.

"How'd you sleep Camille?" She asked with a tender smile.

"Better than ever." I say. "It's great not to have to worry about my safety or Angel's."

"Sweety, whenever you want to talk to me about everything," She says, "I'll always be here for you."

"I wanna tell you about how I got there." I say. I just wanna get this over with. "It's a long story."

"I have time." She says. "After all, we won't arrive in London for another 5 hours."

I start.

"One day when I was 5, two men came into the orphanage. They said they were from the city and that they wanted to supervise us. They took an interest in me because I was always kind of tough and smart according to them. So one day , they came through the window and kidnapped me, and I've been there ever since ." From then on , I told her about the experiments , the attempted rapings , Cameron, protecting Angel since the day I met her, everything . Not one detail was left behind .

We cried so much. So much that Angel and Mr. Payne came and hugged us . After we're done, we eat , and Angel falls asleep in Mrs. Payne's arms.

I sit next to Mr. Payne who says, "I can't wait till you meet all your cousins ." Then he adds, "Well, they're not really your cousins , they're my best friends' kids and some of them are your age. Of course , my sisters have kids too, but they moved away from us ."

"That's cool." I say .

"You know what? We should have a party for you girls." He says all excited .

"Oh no , Mr. Payne," I say with my eyes wide. "I don't have anything to wear ."

"Oh, of course I'm going to buy you some clothes ." He chuckles.

"How much longer till we get to London?" I say, avoiding the conversation .

"2 hours ." He says .

"Well what should we do till then?" I ask .

"How about we watch a movie?" He says .

"Which one?" I ask .

"How about 'Return to Neverland'?"

"If Neverland is in the title , I'll probably love it ." I decide.

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