6: Fate

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(Tokoyami and Shoji met when Tokoyami was being bullied in Grade school because of his quirk and Shoji stepped in and protected him. Then they became best friends. But as they got older... They both developed feelings for each other.)

*10 years Ago*



"Just Die already!"

Fumikage Tokoyami sat on the ground by the swing set of his grade-school, surrounded by kids who were calling all sorts of names.

"You're a dangerous person to be around!" a kid then kicked Tokoyami in the head.

"HEY!" A voice came from behind Tokoyami, most likely by the slides. "Get away from him!" The boys looked up from the bird headed boy and saw a boy with white hair, a blue mask, and 6 arms walking towards them.

"AHHHHH!" They screamed and ran, leaving Tokoyami an a fettle position.

"Hey," The boy placed one of his many hands on the bird boy. "Are you ok?" Once he did, a black shadow popped out of the boys back and stared at the boy.

"Who are You?!"

"My name is Shoji, Mezō Shoji." The multi-armed boy smiled behind his mask. "Who are you?" The shadow stared. This boy wasn't scared of him?

"I am dark shadow, and this is my Host Fumikage Tokoyami." The shadow smiled and nuzzled against shoji's hand. "You seem really nice." Shoji smiled and continued to pet Dark Shadow. As he did, Tokoyami woke up and saw this sight.

"Your not scared of him?" Shoji jumped when he heard the other boys voice.

"Oh!" Shoji smiled at the other boy and stood up, holding out a hand for him to grab. The younger boy looked at the hand for a moment, deciding if he should grab it.

"He's a good person Fumikage," Dark-shadow smiled. "We sat talking. He also has a quirk that makes him look different." Dark-shadow pointed at the extra limbs on the white-haired boy. Tokoyami smiled and took the other boy's hand. Once Tokoyami was up, the two boys sat on the field talking. Soon the two were in seperatbal. They had sleep-overs every weekend, no one picked on Tokoyami anymore. After both boys passed the entrance exam for UA and got in, they decided to have a sleepover/ party. For years, Tokoyami wanted to know why Shoji always wore his mask. So tonight, Tokoyami decided to take a chance and ask his best friend about his mask.

"Shoji?" Tokoyami asked one day when they were hanging out at Tokoyami's house. "Why do you always where a mask?" Shoji sighed.

"Before we met, I was always picked on for how my face looked," Shoji looked away. "I scared people where-ever I went. I was called a villain for so long. Then one day I decided that I wasn't going to let people see my face so I hid it." Tokoyami looked his best friend in they eyes.

"I bet you look fine." Tokoyami pointed to his face. "Like come on. I have a bird head." Shoji laughed.

"I know..." Shoji looked down. "But im not comfortable showing anyone yet."

"I wont pressure you." Tokoyami placed his hand over Shoji's, looking up at him with a smile.

"When I decide to," Shoji smiled. "You will be the first person to see." Tokoyami nodded then yawned. "You tired?"

"Yeah, a little bit." Tokoyami yawned again. Shoji smiled and pulled Tokoyami to his chest, causing the bird-boy to blush. "Shoji?!"

"Just rest," Shoji smiled. Tokoyami smiled, cuddled into Shoji's side, and fell asleep. Shoji looked at the sleeping boy and let out a sigh. "If only I could tell you how I feel..." Tokoyami gripped Shoji's shirt tighter. Shoji Smiled and fell asleep, holding Tokoyami against his chest and fell asleep. 

*After the Summer camp incident; In the hospitle8

Shoji laid in his hospital bed scrolling threw his phone, when he got a text from Tokoyami.

MyPrinceOfDarkness: Can I come over? I need to talk to you?

Shoji: Of course. I was going to text you anyway

MyPrinceOfDarkness: Ok. I'll be there in a sec

Shoji smiled and put his phone on the side table and waited for his bestfriend. About 5 minutes later, Tokoyami walked in, trying to hide his face. "Yami?" Shoji sat up, worried.

"I'm So Sorry!" Tokoyami cried, covering his face.

"Oh Yami," Shoji reached out a arm and pulled Tokoyami to his chest. Tokoyami began to cry into his chest. 

"I'm so sorry..." Tokoyami sat on Shoji and cried into his chest.

"Fumikage," Shoji put his hand under Tokoyami's chin, making the bird headed boy look at him. "It was not your fault." Shoji smiled. 

"But you got hurt," Tokoyami looked at Shoji's bandaged arms from where he got burnt from Dabi when he, Todoroki and Midoryia tried to save his and Bakugou from the villain Mr. Compress. His eyes went to the arm Shoji got cut off when he protected him from the villain Moonfish. "Because of me..." He looked Shoji in the eyes. "It's my fault..." Shoji was about to say something when Tokoyami placed his head on Shoji's chest. "It's all my fault."

"Fumikage Tokoyami," Shoji pulled Tokoyami up so he could see his face. "It was not your fault. I did it because I wanted to protect the one person I care for more then anyone." Shoji smiled. Tokoyami stared in shock. Shoji pulled down his mask, leaving Tokoyami in awe. The Bird boy stared at his face and smiled.

"Your beautiful Shoji." Tokoyami smiled. Shoji cupped Tokoyami's face in his un-burned hand. Shoji then pulled Tokoyami into a kiss. Tokoyami went wide-eyed. 'Holly shit... He's kissing me!"
Kiss him back idiot! Darkshadow said in his mind. Tokoyami then wrapped his arms around Shoji's neck, pulling him closer. Shoji suprized at this action,pulled away.
"Shoji?" Tokoyami looked away sheepish.
"Sorry Yami," Shoji smiled. "I was just shocked at the action." Shoji pulled Tokoyami to his chest. "I'm in love with you Fumikage. I have been for a long time." Tokoyami stared at Shoji.
"Me too Shoji..." Tokoyami smiled as tears of joy poored out of his eyes. "I love you too Mezo." Shoji hugged Tokoyami and the bird-boy fell asleep, with a bright smile on his face.
"Sleep well my favorite humans," Darkshadow covered the two up and laid on Shoji's left shoulder. "I love you guys."
"I love you too Darkshadow." Shoji smiled and fell asleep, cuddling his new boyfriend and his boyfriends shadow.

Shouji x Tokoyami: one shortsWhere stories live. Discover now