7: Shoji's Sister is a big ShojiYami shipper

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*So in this story Shoji has a younger (adopted; meaning she doesn't have a quirk like Shoji's) sister who attends UA with him.*

Name: Halayna Shoji
Age: 16
Quirk: Alfa white wolf; Heightened senses, speed, shape shifting
Appearance: white hair with 2 fluffy wolf ears on head and tail on tail bone. Lavender purple eyes
Likes: Meat, her brother, Tokoyami (loves him like a bro), teasing her brother about his crush
Dislikes: homophobic people, people messing with her Match-making skills

Halayna Shoji sat at her desk, listening to music... Out loud. Normally people would complain, but her quirk doesn't allow her to use earbuds or Headphones. She sighed as she finished packing. It was her first day at UA with her brother.  

"hey!" Mezo Shoji yelled up the stairs. "You ready to go?" Halayna sighed and turned off her music.

"yeah." Halayna put her phone in her pocket and grabbed her suitcase and backpack. She walked down the stairs to see Shoji with another boy with a bird head. "Mezo?"

"Oh," Shoji turned around to face the wolf girl. "Hey sis. This is my best friend Fumikage Tokoyami." Tokoyami smiled at Halayna.

"Oh...." Halayna smiled, but gave her brother a evil look. "Your Tokoyami! I've heard so much about you!" Shoji began blushing. 

"S-shoji talks about me?" Tokoyami stuttered. He couldn't believe his ears, his crush talked about him... to his family...

"Of course!" Halayna giggled. Shoji covered his face, completely embarrassed by his little sister. "Well lets get going! It's my first day at UA!"

*4 months later*

Halayna has been enjoying her time at UA. She became best friends with all the girls. But was attacked contently by Minetta. Luckily for her, her quirk allows her to make the boy fear for his life. she also protects the other girls when he comes up to them. after a while he came and apologized and now he isn't as much of a pervert anymore. (I had to. I like mineta, but i wish he wasn't such a pervert)

One day,  Tokoyami was walking down the hall, away from his class, trying not to cry after what he saw."Oh Toko!" A white haired girl came running down the halls of UA High. "Wait Up!"

"Oh," Tokoyami turned around. "Hello Halayna."

"Where are you off too?"

"I was going out."

"With Mezo?" Halayna smirked and Tokoyami's feathers puffed out. Which the Wolf girl knew he was embarrassed. Being the Sister of his best friend,she hung out with him a lot and she memorized details about him, to of course tell her (Adoptive) big brother about later.

"W-well...." tokoyami looked down. "I was going to hang out with him..." Halayna noticed Tokoyami looked like he was gonna cry. "But he's too busy with Hagakure..." Halayna hugged Tokoyami as he began to cry into her shirt. 

"That makes no sense..." Halayna walked Tokoyami to her room. They Were quiet as The wolf girl thought about it. 'Oh shit! he probably walking in on them dissuading Mezo's plan!' She shook her head. 'Damn you brother! '

"Why doesn't it make sense?" Tokoyami sat on her bed and hugged his knees. "He likes her." halayna shook her head.

"No he doesn't." Halayna sighed.

"Yes he does..." Tokoyami whipped his eyes and sniffled again. "He told me."

"He never said it was Hagakure." Halayna smiled at him. He looked her in her lavender purple eyes and gave her a confused look.

"How do you know?"

"My Brother and I share everything." Halayna smirked. "And my brother is as gay as a rainbow." Tokoyami was shocked.


"Yeah." Hayalna pulled out a paper from her table. "And Hagakure, Mezo, and I were gonna surprise you."

"What? Surprise? Me?" Then a knock came to her door. Halayna opened it and there was Shoji, dressing in a black dress-tank top (Because of his arms), dark grey jeans, a red mask and held a black rose in his hand for Tokoyami. "S-Shoji?"

"Fumikage Tokoyami," Shoji entered the room. "Will you go on a date with me?"

"Y-Yes!" Tokoyami hugged Shoji, causing him to fall over. Halayna and Hagakure high-fived each other.

"Thank you sis." Shoji smiled at his sister. The wolf girl Smirked.

"Anything for you big bro." halayna looked at Hagakure. "Now i gotta be matchmaker again and geth Ojiro to confess to Hagakure." The Invisable girl blushed.


"What?" Tokoyami sighed.

"I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"jumping to conclusion..." Shoji smiled and made tokoyami look at him.

"Don't apolojize." Shoji kissed tokoyami's cheek. Tokoyami blushed but hugged the multi-armed teen. 


I hope you enjoyed my OC. Shoji is my favorite character, but i can't see him with anyone else other then Tokoyami.

Shouji x Tokoyami: one shortsWhere stories live. Discover now