Chapter Five: What Could Have Been

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Note from author:

I deeply apologize for the time it took to write and publish this installment of The Half Blood Rose. The reason I was on hiatus was because uni got really busy for me this semester. I took the most hours I've ever taken during this time and it was a challenge juggling everything at once. Hence, the writing of this story came to a pause for a moment. But fear not, for I'm currently on my winter holiday and I plan to keep writing this treasured little project of mine. Thank you so much, devoted readers, for making it this far with me. I hope you are enjoying this story as much, if not more, than I am. I promise there will be juiciness to come. ;)




The next day, Beatrice stepped inside Draco's room. The boy had awakened and was eating ravenously. He had a rich meal in front of him—roasted chicken, creamed potatoes with lots of butter and cheese, a side of steamed vegetables, and chocolate cake with a mug of butterbeer. It looked and smelled scrumptiously. The boy needed to replenish his energy, as he hadn't eaten for quite some time.

"Hello, Draco," she said with a smile. "I can see you're very hungry. How are you feeling today?"

"Much better, thanks, but I wish I didn't look like Nosferatu," he replied, biting into a chicken leg.

"Don't worry about that," she replied. "I've studied the potion and I'll be brewing it today. Then, after a few days, you should be back to normal. However, it looks like you're going to be stuck here until you are, because we'll be needing to supervise you. We haven't had a case like this in years."

Draco groaned.

"Yeah, I understand how you feel. But don't worry," she smiled again. She noticed Lucius hadn't arrived yet. "Is your dad coming?"

"He said he'll be arriving soon," Draco replied. "But I really miss my mum."

Beatrice felt internally conflicted. Sad, because she empathized with Draco's feelings. She had always missed her own mother ever since she died when she was five. Internally, her heart shriveled in pain and she fought back tears, keeping her external composure. Then, the unpleasant feeling that came with Narcissa's memory entered her mind, and the anger reduced the feeling of melancholy within her. It was strange indeed, that Draco was technically her nephew—progeny of the most hateful woman she knew and son of the man she loved the most in her life. She felt an undercurrent or familiarity to the boy, and she actually cared for him, even though he had virtually no idea of the crazy story that involved Beatrice, the Blacks, and the Malfoys. He would never know that she was indeed his aunt.

"You know," she began. "My mother died when I was five, so I completely understand how you're feeling right now. I guarantee you that wherever your mum is right now, she loves and cares about you very much."

Draco looked up at her and smiled. "Well, thank you doctor."

"Doctor". If only he knew I was his aunt ... she thought. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll have to go back to work," she replied, trying to change the subject. "A nurse will be here shortly to check your vital signs. See you soon, Draco, and please let any of us know if you need anything."

She closed the door and updated his patient file, scribbling positive changes to his demeanor and an appetite as expected, for someone in his condition. As soon as she replaced the file to its original place, she turned around and there was Lucius, dressed elegantly in a black cloak, and they both locked on each other's eyes.

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