Chapter Seven: Too Late/Unbreakable

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Once early morning came, and the sun was rising on the horizon, they finally felt drowsy enough to enter into sleep. As much as they loved to have their arms around each other, legs intertwined—like most people, they needed space to actually go to sleep. So they slept, with only their hands touching this time.

When Beatrice woke, it was nearly noon. Neither Beatrice nor Lucius were working today, as today was Saturday. She was woken up by one of St. Mungo's owls that delivered reports on patients while doctors were absent. The first thing on her mind was Draco, who was reported to still be asleep, which indicated that things were going as expected. Some of his appearance had gone back to normal, but still looked affected. It was estimated that in two days, he'd make a successful recovery. The rest of the patients were okay, with just one case of cerebrumous spattergroit that was tricky, but handled under the care of the other healers on call. She signed that she had received the reports and sent the owl back. However, Lucius had fallen asleep like a rock.

Well, he did work hard all night, Beatrice thought with a smirk. She was sore, too, because she'd been riding him and loving him in certain positions that she hadn't done in a long time. Looking at him with his arms and legs sprawled out on the bed and his disheveled long platinum hair made her want him again. She curled up on him, and her warmth made him open his eyes.

He found her cute face resting on his chest and he smiled, wrapping his arms around her.

"Mmm, you're awake now," she said with a smile.

"Mmm, no better way to wake up than having you here with me," he grumbled in his sleepy voice, caressing her long hair and kissing her forehead.

She felt naughty again and climbed on top of him, noticing he had woken up with a pleasant surprise.

"Mmm, Sir ... very awake, are we?"

He snickered and held her hips as they started grinding on him.

"You've been a very naughty girl, haven't you?" He asked her, grabbing her ass and spanking it hard with both hands.

"Oh! Yes, daddy," she moaned. "And I'm going to show you just how naughty I can be ..."

Penetration followed after a few more moments, and Beatrice wanted to turn the tables on Lucius and dominate him during this round. She took both his arms and held them up against his head, and then, something caught her attention.

It is worth mentioning at this time that poor Lucius, who was almost always aware of himself and sharp-witted, had forgotten about the faint red markings on his inner left arm. Beatrice's eyes focused on the red marks, and it didn't take long for her to recognize the ghastly and terrifying symbol.

The Dark Mark.

"Lucius, what is that on your arm?" She asked, her tone changing from arousal to concern. Her hips stopped moving. But she already knew.

He instantly went limp as he recognized what she saw. He retracted his arms from her grasp and stood up, hiding them.

"Lucius—you're a Death Eater?" She asked him, her stomach gripped in fear.

"Beatrice, calm down, I can explain," he said with a look of shame. He internally cursed himself for being so careless.

"You're involved with ..." Voldemort. She wanted to say. But they both knew what she was talking about. "So this is where your exploration with the Dark Arts took you. So this is who you've become after all these years."

She got up and started getting dressed, not taking her eyes off him and keeping her wand close to her in case she needed to use it.

"Beatrice, listen to me," he said, gripped in preoccupation now that his secret had been uncovered. "I am not denying the fact that I am a Death Eater. But I could never hurt you."

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