Chapter 37.

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One Month Later.


"Don't forget to wash it a few times a day with soap and water and leave it in for at least six weeks. This should help with the do's and dont's." I hand my customer the paper filled with instructions on how to take care of a new piercing. I'm glad she's so happy with the job I've done as her eyes don't leave the mirror while admiring her new industrial ear piercing.

The past one month has been eventful to say the least, for one our acceptance letter to university arrived and with most of the credits transferable, I'll be starting as a third year Psychology student and I decided to have a minor in Biology. Lorenzo decided to minor in foreign languages however we deferred the resumption date to the spring semester so we could get used to the country and at least know our way around the culture of America.

We also got jobs at a tattoo and piercing shop down the street, Enzo had initially wanted to get a new one but upon entering the shop owner Alexis had taken a special liking to us because we filled the trifecta she never knew she needed apparently. Gay? Check, Accent? Check, knew the basics about piercings? Check, she'd offered us jobs on the spot and here we are, and honestly she's the best boss I've ever had, I love working here.

Also, with the help of Romy, Uncle Dave, Aunt Terry, Rashid, and Danny, I eased my momma into the Lorenzo introduction. She cried for hours not because my father cheated on her because she knew he was, but because Lorenzo had to grow up with that man treating him like a punching bag, no child should be subjected to that. Momma requested to see him and ever since then there's still some awkwardness but they have a special place for each other.

Also, Rashid and Danny have become inseparable over the last few weeks, one is not seen without the other knowing his whereabouts. I'm happy that they're bonding well but their pranks can be very annoying too and their greatest joy is to tease the daylights out of Romy.

Speaking of my boyfriend, after his initial grumbling of his new job as a 'babysitter' of new officers still in training, he's actually enjoying it now. I've been to the base a couple of times and the guys are super nice and welcoming. In the evenings when we both come back from work we go on 'tour de America' sponsored by Roman, the places around that I should know etcetera, those are usually so fun since my tour guard is super sexy.

Although everyone is sick of the sexual tension between us which I don't see but they say it's there. Momma says I look at him dreamily, aunt Terry said he's always staring at my butt, and we made Enzo super uncomfortable the other day when we randomly started making out in front of him. I couldn't wipe up my blush when he'd started grumbling on how we just made him feel so lonely.

Also, sentencing for Major Feldman is in about a week's time after rigorous court dates, and witness interrogations. Romy had to appear in court for five days straight and those days the anger seemed to be too overwhelming for him. The remainder of those days were spent locked away cuddling, kissing, eating, and repeat.

However, the one thing bothering me now is that my boyfriend's birthday is in exactly six days and he's strictly said he doesn't want a party or anything extravagant at that. I've seen some of the gifts everyone has ordered or gotten for him and it's taking a lot to keep my mouth shut anytime we're together. I have no idea what to get him though and Enzo's ideas make me want to bury myself under sixteen layers of blankets while drinking bleach. They range from doing nude photo shoots for Romy, to sending him nudes, to making him breakfast while naked, notice the pattern everything involves me without...... clothes.

"Hey cutie, whatchu thinking?" Lexi asks as she makes her way to her favorite chair while popping a piece of gum in her mouth. She has like this rebel chic dressed in all black, smoky eye black lipstick, fifty percent angel fifty percent devil vibe going on everyday. She's so badass and I love it. She's also very easy to talk to, respectful of boundaries, and a very good wing woman when you need one.

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