Chapter 51.

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The past few days scratch that weeks have been eventful, it's been four weeks after our anniversary and me and Jalil have been going stronger in our relationship. The mere fact that I almost lost everything in the twinkle of an eye still stays embedded in my memory and forgetting that fact is going to take a while if I ever do forget it. Joe will always have a personal place in my life but I've learned that I have to move forward and not dwell in the anger or pain of the situation but in the memory that I'm blessed to have known him and fought alongside him.

I'd also continued my courtship of Jalil and I've come to realize it's both for myself and him, he deserves the best things in the world and I'll be damned if I don't make sure he has it but I also need to feel like I deserve him. I was sober enough sometimes to see the look of hurt and pain in his eyes and that is a look that has been embedded in my memory because I caused it, so courting him for the past few weeks helps me bring back the smile/laughs on his face, he's happy and I'm gently starting to trust myself again to be the man for him and to earn back my title as his boyfriend.

Every morning I'd wake up at 5:30am to clean the house because I wouldn't want Jalil to come back to  a dirty house, after that I'd take care of my hygiene and dress for work, get some coffee in my go to mug, and then make it to aunt Yasmeen's house to pick up Jalil and Enzo and drop them off at work after then do I head to work.

After work everyday I'd go straight to aunt Yasmeen's and we can watch movies till late at night when I have to leave, or we can visit the art center, or we just walk Nemo to the park and stay there till it closes. However, the past couple of days too have been spent teaching Jalil how to drive since he got his Learner's permit while I was deployed. Sexually, we hadn't done anything intimate since..... well since then, we've kept everything to the bare minimum of just reacquainting ourselves to the other's presence and having fun, even kissing has been non-existent.

However, right now I was on my way to pick him up since I had made a reservation at a major league restaurant that I've been hearing about for a while now, the Blues De'Villa restaurant for their diverse menu and the quality of the food.

I'd put on a white button up shirt which I rolled up at the elbows and left the top two buttons undone, a black dress pant neatly ironed, a nice pair of black shoes, some cologne, and I'd even gone as far as using some gel to style my hair in place. I would say I put in an effort to look less rugged military-esque and more gentlemanly. I'd also gotten some flowers for my date and some of his favorite chocolates too.

I pull up in the parking lot and grab all the things before going on to press the doorbell. I hear Lorenzo's voice and I quickly make a mental check of myself because I definitely don't put it past him to come for me if a strand of my hair is out of place.

"You're early and you come bearing gifts, I applaud you Mr Butler." He exclaims while making a motion of clapping, I crack a small smile at him as he steps aside for me to come into the house. Rashid and Danny are bickering while making a mess in the kitchen which I know they will definitely clean up if I know anything about aunt Yasmeen.

"Damn old man, you clean up nice." Danny opens his mouth to speak and I just roll my eyes at him while subtly throwing the middle finger at him. Lorenzo comes out to inform me that Jalil will be out in a minute.

My breath is stuck in my throat when the mesmerizing figure of my boyfriend comes out of his room moments later dressed in a sky blue dress shirt also rolled up to his elbow, nicely fitted black pants, and some equally nice shoes. His hair is in a side part and he used some eyeliner I think it's called, he's absolutely gorgeous, the most beautiful person I've ever come across both on the inside and outside.

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