Chapter One

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At the school, the party would always meet up outside the entrance. They were all waiting for Mike and El to arrive. Mike and EL finally caught up with the group "Hey guys!" Mike said as soon as he got here "Where were you?" Will asked "Oh I over slept" Mike lied, Dustin and Lucas looked at each other and started mimicking kisses and everyone laughed. Mike and El rolled their eyes, Mike looked over at Max "What are you doing here? Party member only" Mike said "Seriously? I came here last school year at the middle of the year and after everything I have been through with ya'll I still can't be in the party" Max said looking over at Mike 'Whatever Max, I'm not arguing with you this year" Mike said grabbing Eleven's hand. "Let's get to class" Will said as they all started walking down the hallway to their lockers they were to busy talking so they ran into a group on accident "We are sorry! Are you okay? Omg Sorry!" Was all you heard coming out of their mouths the whole time, The group chuckled "It's fine, we are good" Charlie said "Okay that's good" Max smiled as she looked over at them and saw Charlie. "Well I'm Charlie" Charlie introduced himself, "and this is Lizzie, Amber, Kayla, Rocky, and Jackson" Charlie introduced them. "It's nice to meet you" Mike said "I'm Mike and this is my girlfriend Jane" Mike introduced him an El "and this is Will, Dustin and Lucas "Mike introduced them, Max looked at Mike and rolled his eyes "What about the redhead?" Lizzie asked "Oh she isn't with us" Jane said, Max looked at the party then looked back at them "I'm Maxine but just call me Max" Max introduced herself. The bell rang "We should get going see ya around" The party except max walked off,  "Bye Max" the rest of Charlie's group except charlie said, Charlies group walked away but Charlie stayed "So do they usually do that to you?" Charlie asked "Well Mike and Jane do, but usually the others stick up for me but they probably didn't want to make it look like they argue all the time" Max said "Oh I'm sorry" Charlie said "It's fine i've gotten used to it" Max responded, "I should get to class, Bye charlie" Max said as she smiled at charlie, Charlie smiled back "See ya later max" Charlie said as they both go to their first class, Charlie's is social studies and Max is Math. Finally it was the end of the day and you know what that means tomorrow is the last day of school until summer, The party left their last class and went to their lockers then went outside. They all talked while they waited for their parents or sibling to get here. "Why do you guys even talk to Max still?" Mike asked them, They wanted to go along with it "Oh I don't know, maybe because she doesn't have any other friends so we don't want her to feel lonely" Lucas said as they all laughed but Lucas didn't mean it and Will and Dustin didn't like it either. As Lucas said that max came around the corner and heard them say that and so did the rest of Charlie's group.  Max was upset and she just started walking off and the party and charlie's group saw. The party doesn't know Max heard. Lucas saw Max walk off.

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