Chapter Seven

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After a while Max decided to go on the roof and check on Charlie. Max climbed up the ladder and sat on the roof by Charlie, She looked around the night time and saw all the fog. "It's kinda awesome" Max said "What? getting chased by those dog looking things" Charlie said "The fog, I mean it looks like the ocean" Max said "You miss it?" Charlie asked looking over at Max "What?" Max asked looking at Charlie, Charlie adjusted "The beach? The waves? California?" Charlie said, Max just shrugged and looked down "Hawkins seems pretty lame I bet, I wished I lived in California" Charlie smiled. Max was serious though "No no it's not that" Max said upset and Charlie got serious "My dad's still there so.." Max said "Why?" Charlie asked. Max got little sarcastic "It's this legal term called divorce, you see when two married people don't love each other anymore" Max said sarcastic "Yeah.. I get it" Charlie said "My mom and my stepdad they wanted a fresh start away from him, as if, as if he was the problem which is total bull" Max said upset, Charlie felt bad "and things are just worse now, my stepbrother's always been a jerk but now he's just angry all the time" Max was upset. "Well he can't take it out on my mom" Max looked down "So he takes it out on you?" Charlie said upset. Max starts tearing up "I don't even know why I'm telling you this" Max was tearing up.  "It's just I know I can be a jerk like him sometimes" Max said as Charlie shook his head no "But I do not want to be like him, ever" max said still teared up. "I guess I'm angry too, and I'm sorry" Max was crying a bit "Jesus what's wrong with me" Max said as she wiped away her tears. "Hey" Charlie said shaking his head "Your nothing like your brother okay, Your cool and different, your super smart, and your like totally tubular" Charlie smiled and max laughed a bit and smiled "Nobody actually says that you know?" Max said smiling. "Well I do now" Charlie said "Yeah and it makes you seem really cool" Max said "I like talking with you max" Charlie smiled "I like talking with you too Charlie" Max smiled. Everyone in the bus was like "aww" They all said. Max and Charlie looked inside the bus "Shut up!" Max and Charlie said as they both smiled, the moment got interupted when they all heard growling. They looked out the window and Max and Charlie looked around. They bumped into the bus and Max fell down the stair part and Charlie fell off the bus. "Charlie!" Max yelled as she got up. Charlie got up off the ground "Charlie come on!" They all started yelling "I have an idea" Charlie said, He got his can of spray paint. They were all confused at first until Charlie went to another bus there and started spray painting on the side, Max knew what it was. Max climbed on the roof and jumped down. Max ran to Charlie secretly and grabbed spray paint "Are you spray painting the upside down we showed you on the way running here" max asked and whispered, Charlie smiled and nodded "I'll help you" Max whispered "Thanks" Charlie whispered back. The group was watching them from the bus, Max and charlie finished but when they turned around they saw all the.....

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