Chapter 2: A whole new world!... a whole new place to fuck with shit

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"...Ffffffuck!" Was the first thing that came out of my mouth. My word echoed throughout the large room. "E-Excuse me sir?" Was the most confused reply the robed woman could say. It very much entertained me, "Apologies. That wasn't the right reaction for the situation and wasn't the reaction I planned of doing. The reaction I planned was a lot of excessive screaming to a point where everyone everywhere could hear me." I saw some knights lose their proper posture and some put a hand up to silently snicker. "Now, please elaborate the situation so these lot don't bicker a whole Brady Bunch."

"Y-Yes... Yes of course! My name is Alandra Knitsu, the arch priest of the temple of the five heroes. We have decided to summon heroes from another world to help protect ours. We followed a legend as old as time that guided us to this point. Demons and monsters run rampant across our land. They are other worldly. So we request help." Her request was not ignored as I saw Moatsu and Kodou think about her request deeply and the other two seemed rather pissy.

"And what about us? You basically just kidnapped us! Why should we listen!" Flaura oh Flaura you're retarded as usual. "I gotta agree with thunder thighs there. We have lives of our own!" The bastard Munya spoke catching on to the nickname. "Okay. I'm gonna be honest for a second, Munya, Flaura. I don't think you two have anything going for you. I mean you're a hot head and you're an asshole. If I'm being honest, I think Moatsu is the most important out of all of us." I lazily said walking in front and turning to the two bastards I'm talking to. "Th-Thank you! Sir, Muksinov!" Was the nervous blurt of Moatsu.

"If I'm tasked to serve you all then there should be compensation." The stoic Kudou. "I would love to help as well but I can't do it for free. I too need some form of compensation so I can eat." The slightly less nervous Moatsu said. I could only turn to them feeling some sort of disgust.

"Are you serous? They plead for help and you ask for cash? That's incredibly insensitive ya know... Know the way you should do it is by getting close to them and asking mid way, that'll make a better mark towards your bank account. I would've done that, but you were all too rude for it to work. Tsk tsk I guess." My words had some people contemplating. I think they're trying to think of the possibility of such happening. The the big man in the throne sighed.

"I'll be honest. Your words would've reigned true if you played them through. I am the king of Noluarc, Andrew Noluarc. I requested your summoning. There will be compensation for this. Before you all start, *clap clap* you should've been summoned with your weapons. Lay them before you on the table." Three knights walked in acknowledging the claps holding a really nice polished wood table. We all walked up to it putting down our respective tools of combat. I was last, putting down my Glock and S&W as everyone looked at the weapons they all stopped to look at my handguns. I noticed this assuming my most wanted anime concept has come true.

"Let me guess. Ever heard of muskets or bullets?" I asked to no one specific. Everyone was just a little confused. "Thought so. Alright, let's get this shit show on the road." Snapping and grabbing their attention, "Hrk, y-yes of course. In your weapon sheathes should now be a special item, if your weapon doesn't have a sheathe it's in your weapon itself, that coordinates to your world and life, attached to it that can screen your status and ability tree as well as other things. I request that you show your status." True to his words, the five of us checked our sheaths and they had small alterations. Then I noticed something, 'Hmm. That's new.' When he said the word "status" a small icon started to appear when I blink.

Flaura had a thigh sheathe with a pearl or shiny orb like Rick imbedded I to it, it was red like her hair. Moatsu had a diamond imbedded into his spear handle, it glowed a beautiful blue. Kodou had a black gem imbedded into a hip scabbard, it consumed a little bit of light from around it. Munya had a star shaped crystal drilled into his bow. I had... a sci-fi looking foldable monitor attached to my, now stainless steel, holster. Flaura was the first to show hers.

Summoned to a new world with one hell of an arsenal -CANCELLED-Where stories live. Discover now