Chapter 3: Grasping the world... and lots of fire tends to happen with that

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"Oh, 'I fEeL sO sToCkEd To Be In ThIs WoRlD!' Why do I even have vocal cords?!" I groaned in anger, holding up a wooden table top to cover me and Rosalie from the pounding rain. Let me explain. Right when we got three feet out of the castle get, it started really pouring. Ten minutes later if cold walking until I find a broken table with a sack of coins and old potato on it. Then that leaves us here. Rosalie was shivering in her armor while giggling. "It does sound like you jinxed us." She laughed and chattered her tooth in the cold. "Agh, you sound just like Koni."

My annoyed comment would be understood by anyone who had seen the friend-hate relationship we have. "Who's Koni?", "A friend of mine back home. Actually, if you were blonde you'd look like her. Except her assets would be much, MUCH bigger.","Assets...? You mean-!","Yup, is that the blacksmith?","Well, yes, but don't change-", "You'll get wet if you don't follow me inside! K'bye!" I bolted into the shop. "H-Hey!" Rosalie yelled after me, trying to catch up.

When I got inside, I laid the wooden slab on a sword rack. A big buff chick looked at us from behind her counter. "Hey there Rosalie! Who's your friend?" She asked smiling at Rosalie. She had a tall stature, an inch smaller than me, string build, an apron and bandana tied around her hair, and few noticeable wrinkles. "This is the fifth hero, Clint Muksinov. Clint, this is Barbara." She introduced me to her. "Nice to meet you sir hero." She extended her arm for a handshake, "Just Clint, please. Sir makes me feel old. I'm just twenty one." I accepted her handshake. "You've got a good grip. That'll help you hold on in battle.", 'That's me wankin' hand.', "What can I do for ya?"

"Let's see what weapons you can wield. Try getting a hold of this sword." Rosalie handed me a short sword. I gripped it in my hand when a small circle engulfed around my wrist. Before I could poke the mystery thingy, it caused the sword to shoot out of my hand. The sword flew around the room at an incredible speed, while Rosalie and Barbara took cover behind a counter, I stood there unable to move since the sword flung around me mainly. "I'm in danger." Putting on a silly voice to maybe lighten the situation. The sword finally stopped, making its mark... which was my palm. "Ow." I didn't yelp or scream in pain, just a little ow. It hurt like hell though. The words "Cannot use other class weapons" popped onto my view. Rosalie rushed to my aid.

"Oh no. Clint are you okay?! What do I do?! Uh, uh, I was never trained in healing!" I emptied the coin sack into my pocket and tore it, making a crude bandage. Taking the sword out, I take off my fingerless glove and apply the bandage over the wound. "And... Done! Good as new. Except it really isn't. Let's look at armor then." I strolled to the available armor while the other two were staring at me with some emotion I don't understand and shock. "Did that sword hurt you?"

"Oh, of course it did. The pain is tremendous and I still feel it. This armor looks nice! Spiked gauntlets, spiked shoulder guard, spiked-" my lusting of details trailed off two them as they entered their own little dimension of converse. "Are you sure your friend there is right in the head?" Barbara whispered to Rosalie, "Well, who knows. His status seemed low, yet he could defeat the other hero in combat. Her strength was about 350. Maybe he's used to pain." She whispered back as I only sighed in disappointment.

"No Templar armor. Hmm, Rosalie tell me how the economy and currency work." I waved her over as she rushed to me. I emptied my cash into my hand. "Well, copper coins are the lowest while silver is equal to a hundred copper, gold is a five hundred copper." Looking at my hand, I had 4 copper, 6 silver, and 16 gold. So I have 8604 in... currency, I guess. What I was looking at was a full set of chainmail that costs 450. "Hey, Barbara! I'll take this." I said laying it down on her counter and 4 silver and 50 copper. "Do you know anywhere I can maybe forge my own armor? Buy tunics too even?" Asking Barbara as she perked you and took the payment, "Yeah, you can forge armor here after sun down and down the street you can make tunics. I have materials you can use for an amount, same with the tunics. The person that sells that stuff is named Brooke Andersmith. He runs the Spin 'n Weave store.", "Thanks. Seeya later then!" I walked out grabbing the wooden table top and raising it over my head.

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