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chapter three


     IT HAD BEEN A WHOLE five days since my little altercation with the alleged good looking stranger from the library. I had kept the paper with his number and ignored all urges to dial the digits or at least send a little text. I wasn't sure if it was nerves or actual fear keeping me from calling but I didn't want to fret about it due to my already busy schedule.

     "Please call him," Lex urged as he got comfortable on my bed. We had been having our traditional Thursda movie night and he hadn't been able to shut up about the good looking stranger since he walked in thirty minutes prior. "I swear he wants you. You could see it in his perfect green eyes. Or were they hazel? I don'treally know but he's basically Adonis!"

     "I could just give you the number, you know?" I suggested and took the popcorn from my little table. "You seem more interested."

     I barely even remembered the guy's face nor did I know his name so developing a whole crush on him seemed a little too surreal. But I was curious about him because as Lex kept saying--- and he quoted--- he wanted me to 'call after I recover because he wanted to make it up to me.' I would be lying if I said it didn't bring me some gooseebupms considering I'd always been unlucky in the friend and love department, but--- like I heavily stressed when Lex brought him up--- I barely remembered him.

     "He has the hots for you," Lex poked my cheek and grinned. "---and based on your non existent love life, I encourage this." He finished and throw some popcorn in his mouth.

     "I can always count on you to make me smile and frown all in one sentence, friend." I deadpanned but he was well aware I was only kidding; in reality, I cared for him so much.

     Shifting positions and facing me, his light blue eyes stared into my more dull ones and kept a serious look on his hard face. "In all seriousness, Mads, you should call this guy. I know you 'barely know him' and shit but he seems like a genuinely great guy. At least hear him out because he might be worried about you. He did kind of knock you out and all. And if his personality is as great as he looks, you should consider it because you deserve a guy like that after last year."

     Letting his words actually sink in, I thought of the stranger for once. For days I had been letting my own fears cloud my judgment and I didn't stop to think how he was feeling after the incident. What if he feels guilty? I thought and quickly walked to pick up my phone and retrieve the piece of paper from my journal. I had kept it there incase I chose to call him and my journal was my safest spot to keep it. Even though I wrote in it once every seven months or so.

     The phone felt heavy as I dialled the number and waited painfully for him to pick you. And when he did, regret came crashing in. "Hello?"

     His voice was deep, rich and more than I expected. It was soothing yet caused my heart rate to accelerate.

     "Um... hey---" I tried to sound calm. "It's Madelyn; the girl from the library and I called to let you know I'm great--- everything is okay with me now." I quickly spoke. "I've been okay since the day after that whole situation..." I knew I was babbling but like vomit, I couldn't stop it once it came out. "You shouldn't like feel bad or anything; I can function and all that."

     "I'm glad you're okay and I can't stress how sorry I am for hurting you." He said and he sounded so genuine. It was assuring to know people could actually feel remorse for hurting me. "I promised to make it up to you so I was wondering if you and  your mate Alexander would like to join my mates and I to this beach party this weekend."

     All my better judgement told me to say no but the delusional part of me that always won my internal battles took hold of my tongue. "We would love to." I said.

     "I'll text you the details." He said, excitement evident in his voice but maybe I was just delusional. "I'm Levi, by the way. And once again, I'm glad you're alright."



that was a little on the long side but i really needed to fit all that into one. i really hope you liked it. x

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