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chapter eighteen



     THE IDEA OF MEETING LEVI'S parents was beyond terrifying. I didn't know what to bring, how to act or what to even say. To say I was nervous would have been an understatement because I was sweating buckets by the time we arrived at the grand mansion.

     We had travelled for a while and arrived in the evening. Levi said they would be having dinner later than usual because of us and I felt kind of nervous that they delayed dinner for us. I would have been more than willing to grab some fast food on our way but Levi told me it was alright.

     At the table, I say next to Levi and we sat across his little sisters--- the twins--- while his parents took the seats at the ends. They were intimidating to say the least. Mrs. Moore was a petite woman with long blonde hair that fell gracefully on her thin shoulders and bright green eyes that Levi inherited. She was elegant and the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Mr Moore, on the other hand, was on the serious side but he looked like money. He was a large man with skin way darker than Levi's but he was basically an older version of him with darker eyes. He was tall and barely spoke, terrifying me greatly.

     "Levi, how is Maxine doing?" Mrs. Moore--- Evelyn, as she had insisted I call her--- asked while we had our dinner. "She hasn't been down here in ages."

     "I think she's alright," Levi answered. "But we haven't been talking as much lately."

     "How come?" Evelyn asked with pure worry on her pretty face. "She's your girlfrind and the best thing in a relationship is communication." Then she turned to me and smiled brightly. "Maxine is his girlfriend and they are absolutely perfect together. They've been dating since secondary and we're honestly just waiting for the proposal. I bet you've met her being his friend and all. She's divine, isn't she?"

     "And he knocked her up so he'll definitely have to marry her." One of the twins said before I had to lie about how divine I thought Maxine was.

     "As much as we wish he waited, we're excited to welcome a new member to the family." Evelyn said. "Anyway, what studies are you doing, Madelyn?" She diverted the attention to me and all eyes were suddenly watching me.

     "I'm in my second year majoring in psychology and minoring in English Literature." I responded.

     "You're a brave child," Mr. Moore said for the first time since he first greeted me. "Most stay away from such peculiar subjects because the job market is becoming smaller and it's brave to risk a very fruitless future."

     I wasn't sure if he was complimenting me or insulting my choice so I smiled and continued to eat.

     Awkwardness filled the table and the sound of cutlery meeting with plates was the only sound to be heard. I wanted to disappear as I tried to think of what to say to break the uncomfortable silence. Nothing came in mind until the doorbell rang and Mrs Moore called for a maid to check. To my utter dismay, a familiar blonde haired girl walked in smiling as she carried some things with her.

     "Maxine!" Mrs Moore exclaimed in her elegant manner and rose to give her a hug. I didn't miss the mocking look Maxine gave me and I just wanted to leave. It was all going badly and now Maxine was here to make it a little worse for me. Fantastic!

     Maxine took the seat on Levi's side and didn't hesitate to give him a kiss. I wished Levi pushed her away but I knew he hadn't because of his mother. Sighing, I took a long sip from my cup of water and wished for a miracle to relieve me from this nightmare.

     "I missed you, Lee." She said and leaned her head on his shoulder. "And so did our baby."

     I hated how upset that made me feel. I wondered why I had to pick him of all people in the university. I really liked him but I started to wonder if this was all worth it.

     "Mum, dad," Levi suddenly voiced out getting all our attention. "I need to tell you something. I don't love Maxine." There was an awkward pause and I froze in my seat. "Madelyn is who I've been falling in love with over the past month and I want to be with her not Maxine. Mum, I'm sorry but I don't want this future you planned for me with your best friend."




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