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chapter six


     IN MY TWENTY YEARS of living, I had experienced my number of shocks and surprises--- Levi being one of them. But never in my life had a guy asked me our regardless of a beautiful girlfrind waiting for him. That being the reason I didn't take Levi's words well and dashed out of the parlour and into the semi familiar streets of London.

     "Madelyn!" Levi called out behind me as I pretty much ran away from the parlour with no destination in mind--- I just wanted to get away from the situation. "Madelyn, you forgot your phone in there."


     Choosing to stay for my phone, I sighed deeply and stood in the spot. I turned my head and noticed Levi walking up to me, my phone one hand and our ice cream balanced between his arm and left hand. "Why did you run out?" He took the opportunity to ask me, a glint of worry in this eyes.

     Courage overwhelmed me--- much to my dismay--- and I throw my hands up. "You have a girlfriend and I'm not so sure this subtle flirting works for me." I honestly voiced out.

     "What subtle flirting?" He asked me, devilish smile colouring his face causing me to send him a glare. Throwing his hands up in surrender, he chuckled and handed me my phone and ice cream. "I guess I do owe you an explanation."

     I nodded and shoved my phone into my pocket, thankful that Levi brought the ice cream. He motioned for us to walk and I fell into step with him and proceeded to shove spoons of ice cream into my mouth.

     "Maxine and I have been friends before we even knew what friendship was," Levi began to explain as we walked in the dark streets. "Our mums had been best friends for years when we were born and they always had this fantasy that their kids would get married and ultimately make them family. It's absurd but it's been their dream for ages." Levi came across a recyling bin and dumped his now empty cup, I followed suit. "They trained us to be best friends then boyfriend and girlfriend. I've never really known any type of attraction toward anyone else but with you, I feel different."

     I hadn't noticed our route but I soon realised we were in the park and a swing set was before us. We took one each, side by side and I let his words sink in deeper as I lazily swung. He felt different with me. I didn't know what to say next so I just looked at him, searching his face for anything to help me figure myself out.

     "I do still want a date with you," he suddenly voiced and I felt his warm hand reach for mine. I didn't oppose and let his larger fingers intertwine with my small ones. "I would love for you to accompany me to a certain art show in two weeks. It's quite special and Max hates my artistic abilities so you'll be my only guest." he said. "I have a few of my pieces in the show so I would also love for you to come see my work."

     Something inside me felt really comfortable and safe as his hand held mine. I felt a sense of belonging and I really liked it. "Sure," I whispered and a smile quickly took over his features. He looked genuinely happy with my answer. "But I will not be doing anything with someone's boyfriend."

     He nodded with a smile and his thumb began to rub small circles on my hand, causing goosebumps to course through my whole body. I looked up at him, his eyes were staring at me and I suddenly felt so intimidated--- but there was something about the feeling that I liked. For a while, we stayed like that--- in complete silence and tranquility. It was scary but something about him made me feel okay with being scared.

     But that alone, scared me as well.






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