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chapter fourteen



     KEVIN'S WEDDING HAD BEEN great and before I knew it, I was back in London by the fifteenth of November. As much as home was perfect and I enjoyed it, I missed Levi and wanted to spend my whole weekend with him.

     I was in my room as I prepared to text him and invite him over when I heard a knock on my door. Taken aback, I rushed to open it only to see a shock; Maxine. Faking a smile, I greeted her brightly.

     "Hey Max," I said. "What brings you here?"

     It was no secret that Max and I only formally interacted when we crossed paths so seeing her at my door, was truly odd.

     "I don't have time for all the fakeness so just cut it out." He tone was bitter, voice deeper and eyes glared down at me. "You need to quit trying to orchestrate some break up between Levi and I. I get that you have a crush but for years, he's been my boyfriend and he's been happy about it. I've kept him satisfied in all ways and no offence, Maddie, but you can't even touch him."

     Pain went through my body as I took in all the words she uttered to me. All I wanted to know is why she felt the need to come all the way here to keep me away and how she knew about my lack of physical contact with Levi. Had be been telling her everything?

     "I don't think I'm the one you should be talking to about you and Levi." I chose to say in my small voice.

     "That's where you're wrong," he said and crossed her arms. "Levi isn't this perfect guy that you have painted out for yourself. He and I aren't breaking up anytime soon because I know I'm the only one, between us, keeping him satisfied. I don't know how badly your boy assaulted you and all but Levi has needs that his girl should be able to satisfy. And I've been doing that every weekend while you waste away in your felt pity.

     "So instead of trying to make some relationship with my boyfriend, leave him alone so we can peacefully raise our child." She smugly smiled then held her abdomen. "Yeah, I just found out I'm pregnant so I just hope you're not the type wreck homes."

     I felt my world crash and she let out each word that made me like Levi a little less. I had thought he was the one and opening up to him made me feel so much better because I really thought he would respect me enough not to spread it. But now his girlfriend--- now pregant--- was at my door, making me feel helpless and vulnerable. Tears built up in my eyes, lump formed in my throat and my room seemed to suffocate me.

     "You need to leave," I said and slammed the door shut before she could respond. Locking the door, I let all tears fall then I leaned on the door as I just sobbed.

     It felt hard to breathe as all my sadness flooded out of me in the form of hot tears. My chest suddenly felt tight as I let out loud sobs, hands shaking and legs bend to my chest. I quickly reached for my phone and with wet eyes, I dialed Lex's number and held the phone to my ear.

     "Hey babe," Lex greeted cheerily.

     I shut my eyes tightly and suddenly, I recalled the hands on my neck, pain all over and my screams filling the dark room. "Please come over." I choked out in a small voice.

     Shut the fuck up and maybe this will be quick, you slut!

     The room felt smaller and my breathing was shorter. "Levi... he told..." I voiced out in pain.

     Don't make me slap you again!

     "He told his girlfriend."

     You've always been a piece of trash!

     All I could think of was Reed and the images seemed vivid, making me feel worse. Loneliness engulfed me as I layed on the cold floor, still a sobbing mess. And what hurt the most is that Reed and Levi are probably happy and I get the pain of their actions.




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