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chapter sixteen



     IT HAD BEEN A FULL week when I got a certain call from Levi. I had been keeping my distance, ignoring his texts and not answering the door to anyone else. Fortunately, Lex was there for me and kept me from going into another depression by always dropping by, talking with me and hanging out with me at cool places. It was very easy tuo keep away from Levi and as much as it did hurt, I was suprisingly doing well even in my studies.

     I had been working on an assignment when i heard a soft knock on the door followed by a phone call from Levi. I began to panic and waited for the person to leave but another knock followed as my phone kept ringing. Unfortunately, I hadn't put it on silent so my ringtone blasted across the room, obviously reaching the person at the door--- Levi, as I suspected.

     "Maddie," I heard his deep, calm voice call out from the other side of the door. "I know you're in there so please open the door."

     I walked to the door, bringing my hand to the knob but my better judgment stopped me from making that mistake. So I leaned on the door and waited for him to give up. I really wanted to open the door and hear him out but there wasn't much to talk about. He had betrayed my trust and put me in a situation where I was in the middle of a relationship.

     "I just found out why you're ignoring me and I need to talk to you, Madelyn." He spoke again but I stayed silent as I slip down to sit. Bringing my knees to my chest, I tried to stop the tears from falling. "I didn't do what you think I did but I need you to let me explain myself."

     There was a long pause then I heard him sigh from the other side. I wondered what he had to say but I could imagine Lex sternly telling me not to give in.

     "You deserve the world" he would tell me.

     "I can't believe I'm going to say this here in a public corridor but whatever," he started in a small voice that I could barely hear. Then he started to talk louder. "I keep a diary, Maddie. I write what I feel, what I experience and anything my mind makes up. It's my way of letting it all out do I wrote about how I feel about you. I did mess up by not breaking the news about you to Max or my parents but it's been so hard to even speak of taking a break from her.

     "So Max came across my diary and read everything from how much I like you to how much I really want to touch you but I know I shouldn't because I respect what you're going through. I would never disrespect you in any way and I don't know what Maxine said to you but if it was about the baby, I can explain that too." He paused as if waiting for my response.  "Are you there?"

     It took me a while to decide what to do them I finally got up and opened the door to see him standing there, bag in one hand and some flowers in the other.

     "I know flowers won't fix much but I need to talk to you at least." He said, hazel eyes staring into my brown ones. He looked good in his yellow hoodie and black jeans but the tiredness on his face made him look so much older than 19.

     "You have five minutes." I muttered and he came in, handing me the flowers which I took then he reached for something in his bag.

     "This is the diary with entries from last December." He told me and flipped through the pages but I stopped him by holding up my hand. "Max is pregnant and I'm pretty sure it's mine. I admit, I couldn't let Max go that easily when I first met you. I did sleep with her a couple of times after I first met you but I haven't even kissed or held her in that kind of way since the art show. I mean it when I say I really like you and want to be with you. I'm just waiting for the right time to end things with Max and since all this has been happening, I know that will be very soon." He stopped and reached for my hands and held them, his eyes looking into mine again. "Please forgive me, Maddie. I think I'm even falling for you."

     I took a minute to process his words and so much went through my head and after I was sure I made the right decision, I pulled my hand away from him. "Your five minutes are up." I said and opened the door for him to leave, handing him back his flowers. "Goodbye, Levi."



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