Chapter Seventeen

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The coven members nursed their drinks, laughing, talking, loosening up. The music was a constant pulse in the background, setting the mood for a good time.

The coven had all manners of conversation going, the subject depended on who you sat with. Enrique and Alyssa had been talking about the unnerving retrogression of American politics. This conversation somehow digressed into where one could find a comfortable high heel that didn't cost three weeks worth of paychecks. 

Loren, Zander, and Rene were art lovers and were consumed in a deep conversation about several individual artists. At the moment they focused on the art of David Burliuk.

While Loren and Zander talked, Yuka laid her head on Loren's shoulder. Loving art as well, she added her two cents about the artist in question. Loren ran his fingers through Yuka's hair during the conversation.

Azuma watched his sister and her lover over the edge of his wine glass. He smiled. Being asexual, he didn't long for a sexual relationship of any kind, but he was happy his sister had found so much love.

In their own little world Equinox, Bay, and Dalir talked about a Netflix show they liked to binge. Bay had made a significant dent in his platter of fried cheese sticks. He dunked one in marinara sauce and took a bite encompassing most of the stick of mozzarella. Bay talked around the mouthful, relaying to Dalir he hadn't seen the latest episode of the show and didn't want spoilers.

Equinox couldn't help the affection warming him as he watched Bay talk around a mouthful of food and nerd out over a favorite show. Noxy reached out and wiped away a spidery strand of cheese clinging to Bay's plump bottom lip like a web. The touch of Noxy's thumb brushing his lip made Bay forget how to chew.

Dalir watched the two men's interaction in the club's dim light, "Thanks, dads." Dalir teased.

The sound of Dalir's voice broke Bay's concentration on Equinox's cerulean eyes. Bay suddenly remembered his mouthful of food. The warlock washed his mouthful down with a long swig of dark ale, then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

Equinox didn't respond to Dalir's tease. He simply leaned back in his seat, his body at a lazy yet suave angle. Equinox wrapped his hand around his drink glass, rubbing it with his thumb and index finger. He lifted the electric blue cocktail to his mouth and sipped.

The queen of perfect timing, Enrique bounced out of his chair and prance over to where Dalir, Bay, and Equinox sat. Enrique held Alyssa's hand, "Ok, I don't know about jou, but I'm tired of chatting. My rum bum is ready to twerk it, hunnies!"

Alyssa smiled, "We're gonna dance, wanna join?" she tugged at Dalir's sports coat. Dalir smiled, "Why the fuck not? It is a club after all." he stood, looping his arm around Enrique, "Let's see what your rum bum can do."

Enrique slung his head back and laughed, "Oh, gurl, just waaaiit!"

Bay hopped out of his seat with pure jovialness and excitement, "Yeah, let's dance." he turned to Equinox. His enthusiastic, caressing fingers rubbed the vampire's forearm, "Wanna dance, Noxy?" Bay's green eyes flashed as he looked down at the sitting vampire. Noxy stared up at Bay's face. Even in the feeble light of Mystix, Bay's face was adorable and delicious.

When there was no reply from his best friend, Bay tried to coax Noxy, "It's one of your favorite Adam Lambert songs. . . If I Had You."

Equinox swallowed. He did love this song . . .and the reason was standing right in front of him asking him to dance.

Quicker then he meant to, Equinox said, "I think I might stay here and eat some of these chips." he pointed to a platter of chips and queso.

Enrique teasingly dismissed Equinox with a flip of his hand and giggled, "Suit yourself!" he flounced of with Alyssa.

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