Chapter Twenty-One

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Everybody dispersed through the mansion in varying degrees of fatigue. Alyssa made way for the kitchen, declaring she needed a cup of cocoa before bed, did anybody want one?

"I'll take a cup, love." Dalir called after her, "I shouldn't have had two cocktails at the club, alcohol makes me agitated." he turned to Crispin, "Would you like a cup?"

Crispin said he'd skip on the cocoa, but accompany Dalir to the kitchen.

Yuka and Loren headed straight to their room, while Azuma said he was going on a late night walk through the grounds.

Enrique pranced through the foyer, talking in the general direction on Equinox, Bay, Zander, and Rene, "This chica is muy cansada, and I have to serve in the morning. I'm going to slam my pretty ass in bed and not move 'til dawn break rakes her bitchy sun rays down my back!" the sound of his high heels pounding on the marble steps punctuated his words.

The four men bid Enrique goodnight as he left them in the foyer.

Equinox could hear the soft whisper of Rene suggesting Zander rendezvous with him on the balcony before having to draw the blackout curtains. Zander nodded gentle, telling his lover to let him fetch his pipe from the Common Room. Rene slipped off to the balcony to wait for Zander.

"Goodnight, you two." Zander said as he passed Equinox and Bay on his way to retrieve his pipe and vanilla tobacco.

"Night." Equinox and Bay said in unison.

And just like that, the two friends stood in the foyer alone. Bay reached out for Equinox's hand, lacing his fingers together with the vampire's. Equinox wasn't sure if it was wise to stand in the foyer and display this kind of affection, but he squeezed Bay's hand gently, lovingly. Bay laid his head on Noxy's shoulder, "I'm shitted out." he yawned.

"I bet, with all the dancing you did." Equinox smirked, brushing his lips just barely over Bay's hair.

Bay rolled his eyes to himself, remembering how crazy he'd acted tonight, "Well, I think I'll go to bed."

It was a hint if Noxy ever heard one. He froze.

He wanted more then anything to spend the night in bed with Bay. He knew with as tired as Bay was, nothing would happen besides sleep. . . that didn't matter. 

Yet Noxy feared this was all moving too fast. He was tormented with wanting to slow down and wanting to charge forward.

Noxy lifted Bay's chin, looking into the warlock's eyes. The emerald green was like an ocean; Noxy started to drown.

"Bay," Noxy whisper was deep, husky.

"Yes?" Bay replied, his heartbeat picked up. His breath stopped, waiting for Noxy to continue.

Noxy open his mouth to speak, but the sound of heavy footsteps echoed down the corridor, fracturing into the foyer, "Fuck." he muttered under his breath.

A frisson of panic shot up Bay's spine. Who was coming?

With wide eyes, Bay let go of Equinox's hand and hopped away from the vampire like a scared bunny; the footfalls came closer. All the confidence Bay'd had in the club wilted as Jake lumbered through the foyer.

Jake held a half- eaten sub sandwich in his hand.

Chewing, he grinned, "Well, I see the club partiers have taken over the foyer, too. Alyssa and her boyfriend and some rough-looking guy have taken over the kitchen making hot chocolate and are talking Evans' ear off."

Jake. This night had been going so well. Why did Jake have to enter it?

Bay had his back turned to both Noxy and Jake, pretending to admire a large replica of Sir Frank Dicksee's Enchantress hanging over a marble-topped, oblong table against the foyer wall.

Equinox tried to quell the sharpness on his tongue as he turned to Jake, "Dalir isn't Alyssa's boyfriend, Jake. You know that."

Jake snorted as he took a bite of his sandwich,"Never can tell who's fucking who around here." The bite left a smear of mustard on the corner of his mouth.

Equinox hid a smirk, ignoring Jake's poor grammar.

Jake used his sub to point at the painting, "Glad to see you admiring that picture, Bay. Don't think Equinox here would be interested in the subject matter." Jake's voice turned cool, snarky at the mention of Equinox's name.

Bay's eyes traveled sideways, catching only a glimpse of Jake, "That wasn't necessary, Jake." Bay's voice was even, but anyone who truly knew him could tell the mood underneath wasn't.

Noxy caught it. The emotion between Equinox and Bay had been running high tonight. Equinox didn't want that to influence Bay to say or do something in retaliation to Jake's snark Bay'd regret later.

Maybe it would be best to call it a night.

"I'm heading to the library." Equinox announced, the depth of his voice cut the silence, "I've been wanting to look into something." he caught Bay's eye, "Goodnight, mate."

Bay only nodded in response to Noxy. Equinox turned to head down the corridor to the library, but stopped in front of Jake first. Stretching his thumb to Jake's face, he wiped the mustard smear off the corner of the smug vampire's mouth. He showed the yellow stain to Jake, smirking.

Jake's body was ridged, liked he'd just been touched by rat infected with plague. Equinox winked and strode down the hall with a chuckle. Tonight he just couldn't resist goading Jake.

Bay grinned at Noxy's action, but his smiled faded as he looked at Jake, "Why do you have to treat Noxy like that?"

Jake sneered, "Lighten up, Bay."

Irritation bubbled at the base of Bay's skull, "Maybe you should lighten up, Jake." he replied before turning away and heading for his bedroom.

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