A Vicious Plot.

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Meanwhile far far north, further away from the village hills and sprawling grasslands, stood a large, rugged hut on the verge of collapse. Inside an aging man sat silently as he used a short withered stick to stoke a slow burning fire. With his old wizened eyes he watched as the smoke dissipated up slowly to the aging huts roof , then as it passed through a gaping hole up to the darkening skies.

It did not bother him that the smoke could be visible outside as no one dared to near these desolate forgotten lands up north. He had chosen his location well.

The dim light flickered quietly within the hut exposing the gloomy faces that sorrounded him on the other side of the fire. They all sat on faded leopard skins, quietly awaiting his next move.

"The timing is perfect, my leopards." He began with a low raspy voice.

"Today the two clans send off their initiates to Shitu valley."

"Tommorow at dusk we shall begin our first phase of attack."

"Si, Commander Sotzu!" they replied in unison

The leopard on his far right spoke first,

"Revered Commander, grant me this honour to lead out our first attack"

The old man smiled ever so briefly,

"Speak leopard."

"I will need two brothers under my command, the Eastern waterwell in Mariani village is perfect. We shall wait for dusk, for that unfortunate last one. As stealthy as a hungry leopard. I will not fail you."

The old man nodded in response, he liked the devotion he saw in his eyes.

" I entrust you this task leopard Mbutu. Do not fail your Commander.!"

He raised his left hand and pointed to the left corner of the rugged hut.

"By tommorow a daughter of Mariani shall be ours. By our own hands we will begin to tear piece by piece this monotonous peace that plagues us."

"Then and only then shall we begin to enjoy the delicious blood soaked fruits of war.!"

"Only then shall we take back what is rightfully ours.!"

"Long live Commander Sotzu!!"

"Long live the leopards that hunt in the night.!!"

In that moment, inside a darkly lit rugged, broken down hut hidden from all of Sereti, dozens of murderous eyes gleamed as they each envisioned whatever evil in their hearts they knew to be bliss.

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