What Lies Beneath the Mask

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        It was the next day when Hiro was modifying his old bot fighting robot when Tadashi called him downstairs. He walked down the stairs and saw his brother holding keys to his moped. " What-" Hiro was cut off by his brother. " We're going for ice cream remember?" said Tadashi with a grin on his face. " Oh yeah I forgot!" replied Hiro. They rushed out the door and saw Baymax waiting for them. "Hello Hiro. Tadashi said we are going out for ice cream." said Baymax. Just then Baymax mumbled " Low battery." "Wait out here Hiro I'm going to take Baymax to his charging station." said Tadashi. Hiro nodded his head and sat on the bench just outside the Lucky Cat Cafe. He was waiting outside for about five minutes when Tadashi finally came out. "Ready to go?" he asked. "Sure am." replied Hiro.

        Tadashi took one step forward when he saw a line of microbots heading straight for his brother. He jumped in front of Hiro and was swept off his feet. " Tadashi!" cried Hiro. Then from behind the corner of the street the man in the kabuki mask appeared. "Leave my brother alone!" yelled Hiro. The mysterious man laughed evilly and sent another line of microbots straight for him. He jumped and started to run on top of the microbots. He quickly made his way to the man and swung his leg, knocking the mask off of the man's face. He was shocked at who was behind the mask.  

"D-Dad?" Hiro asked with tears streaming down his face.

A split second went by when he was launched off the line of microbots and fell into his now free brother's arms. Before they could get another look at the man, he was gone.

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