Chapter 2.

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Jenny's POV.

   "...So you had to help Hazza out again this morning?" Niall laughed.
"Yup." I replied placing down the boys' lunch, they were all eating at Harry's then going straight to their interview meaning i'd have to clean up the mess,like always.
   "Come on Haz,when are you going to settle down a bit, get a girlfriend?" Zayn asked eating his crisps.
"I don't need a girlfriend."
   "Or.. you could date Jenny-"
"Erm no,gross,ew,yuck,no!" I said straight away.
   "What? I'm not good enough for you?" Harry said looking hurt.
"Harry, i could never be your girlfriend." I laughed. "With your reputation, it would never happen."
   "Only joking, i could never date you anyways."
"Erm and why not?!" I exclaimed fake hurt.
   "Because you're my best friend,we're like,closer than close,we know the worst and best things about each other." Harry smirked obviously thinking about some of my secrets that only he knew. "We're just good friends." He finished.
"Exactly." I grinned kissing his temple."Plus, i have a date on Monday." I beamed.
  "With?.." Liam asked.
"A guy.."
   "Really?Here's me thinking you were a lesbian." Louis laughed.
"Ha ha you're not funny."
   "Name? Height? Looks?" Harry questioned. He was always a little protective when it came to guys, only in a brotherly way, i appreciated it; just not always.
"You're like a bunch of girls."I smirked. "And Tom,he's like 5'9 and he's got brown hair and brown eyes." I Smiled thinking of him.He works across the road from me and we'd often talk whenever passing in the street, and sometimes have coffee, i'd been waiting for him to ask me on a date, and the other day, he finally did.
   "Just make sure he treats you well." Harry muttered.
"Oh because you're one to talk?" I laughed drinking my juice, the rest of the boys laughed with me while Harry muttered to himself as he walked to the bathroom.

  Bless him.

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