Chapter 4.

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Jenny's POV.

I flicked my hair over my shoulder, then drank some more of my coffee as i sat back in my chair happy that i'd finished my assignment for my boss 2 hours before deadline. I scanned through it to check for mistakes then printed it.
  As i took the papers out the printer, my office phone flashed notifying me that someone from the office was ringing.

"Hello?" I said clicking the loud speak button. I wouldn't say i have the best job in the world, i'm a project administrator, i'd dreamt of becoming a professional dancer my whole life, but after doing serious damage to my knee when i was 15, i had to give up dancing, it was heartbreaking, but i couldn't help it.
  My job is tedious, but it's very good money, and it pays the bills.
  "Jen, Mr Styles is here for you." Rhonda, one of the receptionists spoke obviously in a flirty voice because durr,she was sat in front of the Harry Styles, pfft.
"Send him up." I sighed clicking the button off. I'm not bitchy, i don't think i'm better than anyone because i have my own office, it's just Harry often comes to visit me out of the blue, most of the time to flirt with my colleagues.

  A knock sounded on my door. It has my own name on it; 'Jenny Winch,Project administrator'. which i was so happy about, i took a photo and sent it to my mum and dad,they live in Manchester you see, about 3 and a half hours away from London.

"Come in." I spoke writing the page numbers on my assignment.
   "Jenny." Harry smiled handing me a sandwich."Ham salad with no tomatoes or onion." He grinned.
"Thanks." I replied placing it next to me and finishing the page numbers.
   "So.." Harry started. He'd sat in the chair opposite adjacent to me.
"Sup?" I asked placing my assignment in a plastic wallet and putting it on my desk away from my coffee.
   "How did your date go last night?" He winked.
"Is that the only reason you came here?" I sighed opening my sandwich.
   "Yup." He nodded mischievously. "Oh and to give you your sandwich." He laughed.
"Thanks, it's deliciously by the way-"
   "So how did it go?"
"Good."I smiled.
   "Just good?" He smirked.
"Nice, he's a nice guy."
   "Do you think it could develop into something?" Harry questioned, this is normal for him,i can't fault him i just about interrogate him when he goes out on a date, girls have to be really special to go out on dates with Harry,i mean 'one night stand' is his middle name.
"I really don't know, i'm just going to play safe and just y'know, see how it goes."
   "Well he seemed decent."
"Glad he got your approval." I chuckled.
   "I also came to tell you that i'm going out tonight so.."
"You want me to come in in the morning and do the usual?" I winked.
   "Only if-"
"You text 'help', yes Harry, i know."
   "Aren't you the greatest." He grinned leaning over and squeezing my cheeks.
"That's what they call me." I shrugged finishing my sandwich.
   "Anyway, me and the boys have a radio interview so i'll see you whenever babe." I stood up and brushed the bread crumbs off my lap, i then leaned over and hugged Harry.
"Okay, see you later loser." I laughed watching him leave. "..And no hitting on any of my colleagues." I shouted.
   "Not one?" He pouted.
"Harry,no!" I said looking at him sternly.
   "You're no fun." He sighed shutting my door.

   Oh that boy.

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