Chapter 6.

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Jenny's POV.

   That Friday after work i decided to call into Harry's to see him for a bit before he went out with the boys.

   "What are your plans for tonight?" Harry asked doing his collar as i flicked through the channels.
"Oh you know, the usual; order a pizza,open some wine, watch some random comedy programme." I smiled.
   "Why don't you come out with us?"
   "Oh come on Jenny, when do you ever come out with us? Have some fun, you don't work weekends, so if you get drunk you can stay in bed-"
"Harry, no."
   "One good reason."
"Because Harry, i said no."
   "I thought it would be nice you know, for all of us to be together, Eleanor's come down from Manchester, she'd love to see you i'm sure, i'd like for my best friend to be there." He whined giving me the puppy face.
"Harry Edward Styles." 
   "Please Jenny." He pleaded.
"Fine." I sighed. "Let me go and get ready."
   Truth is, i hate going out and partying, i don't like getting drunk, i much preferred to stay in with a pizza and watch Diary of Bridget Jones.
  Going out every once in a while can't hurt anybody, can it?

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