Chapter 27.

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Jenny's POV.

    "..You ready Jenny?" Harry smiled as i zipped up my duffle bag.
"Yeah!" I smiled excitably. He laughed walking further into my room and began kissing me."What was that for?"
   "I won't be able to do it at your parents',may as well get it out the way now." He winked."Come on." He took my hand in his and we walked out to his car.

   My mum was more than excited when I’d asked her if it was okay if Harry came with me. Of course she'd be excited; i mean she thinks we're just best friends, she's known Harry since, well since he was born, so asking if Harry could come along was nothing unusual, it's just telling her and my dad about the fact that myself and Harry are more than 'best friends' now.
    My dad had that over-protective streak that most fathers had over their daughters, past boyfriends have been interrogated by my dad when they've picked me up for dates, some were scared that we only had one date, some didn't let it bother them and we dated for a little while, but with Harry? Who knows what's going to happen once he finds out; my dads always loved Harry like a son, seeing as they only have one child; who's a girl.

As Harry and i walked through my flat, i checked all lights and plug sockets  were off, and locked my front door behind me.

   I walked over to the car parked in Harry's allocated spot; him being a superstar and all get's little advantages like these, whereas me? I have to fight for a spot, but when Harry's away, he let's me use his spot; how sweet. As i walked to his car i looked up at the clear blue sky, the sun beaming; it's just the peak of summer, i could feel it getting warmer and warmer, summers my favourite season, you don't have to worry about wearing thick coats or boots, you don't even need makeup on if you're wearing sunglasses; maybe that's just  me being lazy.

“You bought a new Range Rover? When!?” I laughed as I stepped into the car pulling my sunglasses off my head and onto my eyes.
He looked up at me and smiled lovingly.
   “It's been in the garage for ages having adjustments made to it, when they said it was ready i knew this was the perfect time to test it.”
“Loser” I mumbled.
He laughed. “You love me though."
I sighed in happiness and he kissed my cheek before starting it up. A million and one things lit up as he did, and i can't lie, it was pretty impressive.

The drive to Manchester took half the time that I’d expected it to, which I assumed was because of the  powerful engine of the brand new Range Rover that we were in, as well as the emptiness of the roads that we drove along.

We pulled up outside my parents' house just after 1.
    The house that I lived in was set; white bricks framed a house that wasn’t overly big,it was a normal family house, 3 bedrooms; one which i use to occupy.
  I’d lived there since I was born; I’d grown up there, lost my first tooth there, learnt to ride a bike there, had my first kiss on that very door step.
  As we walked past the solid metal gate at the beginning of the not too long drive way and walked towards the cute little green door right in the centre of the building, Harry entwined his fingers with mine and held my hand tightly in his.

“Don’t be nervous,” He chuckled.
His laugh was infectious, and I smiled weakly as we stood before the door whilst I rummaged for my keys in my overly sized bag, Harry never understood why i had big bags, he'd always say 'why have them if you can never find anything in them'  to which i'd reply 'Some girls like heels,some like jewellry, i love bags, okay?'

Once i found them,I pushed the door open and an instant aroma of warm homecooked food and spices hit me.
"Mum's cooked," I smiled up at Harry.
   "Hope it's casserole," He winked.
“Hello?” I called out down the lit beige hallway.

The door to the kitchen swung open and my mum stood in the doorway with a huge smile on her face,she looked like a child on christmas day.

    “You’re here!” she exclaimed, walking over to me and put her arms around my shoulders. “And early!” She said looking at her phone which she'd pulled out her jean pocket, i told her to get a new up to date phone, which just happened to be a  HTC,which was a huge mistake seeing as she has no idea how to actually use it, and often calls me by accident, i think the only thing she can just about do is check the time on it.

“Roads were clear,” I laughed as she squeezed me tightly before letting me go and turning her attention to Harry.
    “Harry!" She declared with a gigantic smile, i think it was bigger than the one she gave me; her own daughter.
“Nice to see you,Dianne.” He grinned before hugging her and kissing her cheek.

The door to the left of us which led to the living room opened and my dad came out.
  “Thought I heard some noise,” He laughed, his eyes were brown, but a deep comforting brown, people say i mostly looked like my dad, i never saw how, but as i've gotten older i could see the resemblance.

  “Harry,son.” He smiled as they exchanged a strong handshake, making my heart race pick up a little remembering what we're announcing later.
   “David,” Harry smiled accepting the hand shake.
 “Can I get you a drink?” Dad offered.
   “Waters good, thanks,” Harry smiled again as he danced the tips of his fingers over the top of my palm that was resting at my side.
    “Dinner will be ready in about an hour,” My mum spoke.

I turned to Harry and he nodded, before grabbing our bags and taking them up the stairs to my old childhood bedroom.


    "So how's things going for you Harry?"  We were all sat round the dinner table admirably eating Harry's favourite dinner my mum makes; beef casserole.
   "Good, me and the boys are just enjoying life," He smiled that charming dimple smile that i fell in love with.
    "And you Jenny? How's work?"
"Tiring, they were speaking about getting me a personal assistant, so i didn't have so much on, but i refused."
  "You're a proper business woman now," Dad winked eating some broccoli.
"Hardly dad," I scoffed.
    "As long as you're happy honey." Mum smiled warmly.

I've always gotten on with both of my parents, maybe it's because i was an only child, and growing up; there was only 3 of us, so i have a close bond with them both. With my mum, i'd go with her to go shopping, or get my nails done, or speak with her about boys or friends issues. And with my dad i'd play hockey and football with him, and he'd help with any homework.
 We almost had a perfect family life,
     But no families perfect.

    "Have you been to see your mum and Robin Harry?" Mum smiled.
  "Not yet, we were going to but we missed the junction, but it's definitely a job for when we head home." He replied.

Heading home. That's one thing i didn't want to think about, only because it meant the following day Harry would be off doing whatever whilst i stayed in bed grumbling about how sad my life is.
  Stop over-thinking, Jenny.

  "So what's next for you and the lads then H?" Dad asked. I rolled my eyes at dad's nickname for Harry, people from school often called him H, but i've always hated it.
   "Well tour rehearsals, then tour."
  "For how long?" Mum smiled.
    "About 8 months or so."

     There was an awkward silence in the room for some reason,and i wasn't quite sure why, but i needed to just get on with telling my parents about myself and Harry's relationship, i'd finally plucked up the courage to just spill it out, i mean what's the worst that can happen? Sure if they don't approve it'll be heartbreaking, but they love Harry, and we both live in London; they don't.

"So mum," I started."Dad."
   They both looked up at me expectantly.
"Harry and I, basically, have been dating for the past few weeks, so i thought it was about time i told you about us." I smiled nervously.
   "Oh, i knew already." Mum chuckled.
"You-you did?" I was shocked to say the least. I looked at Harry who seemed unfazed.
    "Yeah, Anne saw a magazine talking about you both and showed it to me, we then went on twitter and saw all those post things you do." She explained, of course Anne would do that, Anne has twitter, whereas my  mum doesn't; like i said, she can't work her phone, never mind a laptop.
"So you both know?" I asked cocking an eyebrow.
   "Yeah." Mum smiled.
"And you..approve?" I asked cautiously.
   "Honey, if we didn't do you think i'd be this calm and happy? I was just waiting for you to tell us personally, plus; i have missed you, both of you."  She smiled.
  I nodded then looked at my dad.
"Dad?" I asked.
  "If he makes you happy." He nodded authoritatively.
I smiled.
"Very much." I replied linking my hands with Harry's under the dinner table.
  Very,very much, I thought.


By the time we’d finished dinner, it was nearing 4pm.
I was tired even though i'd not done anything accept travel in a car; travelling had tired me out.

  I excused us from the table and took Harry up to my room.
Even though I hadn’t lived at home for a year or two, my room was still exactly the same.
   The walls were the same pale pink that they had been when I’d moved to London and the same collage of photos from my teenage years(most of them of me and harry) were scattered across one of my walls.
All my wooden furniture was oak which matched the cream linen on my bed as well as the beige and brown curtains, and a bear that Harry had won me at a fair sat right in the middle of my double bed along the back wall.

“Why are you smiling?” I laughed as I looked up at Harry, who was glancing around my room.
   “I don’t know. I like it… Being back here.. I mean.”

I walked over to the bed and sat down. The bed dipped at my side as Harry sat down next to me.

“Why?” I asked softly and he smiled again,showing a hint of a dimple which i wanted to kiss but i refused the urge.
   “It makes me remember everything; our childhood,our teenage years, every funny moment,every fight, and then it reminds me that you're my future too."
I blushed but at the same time felt my heart clench as tears appeared in my eyes. He reached behind him and took the bear he'd won all those years ago in his hands.
   “You still have this?”
“Yes,” I laughed, and Harry’s eyes warmed with amusement.
   “Thought you'd of took it down to London with you”
“It gives me a reason to come home."

His simple grew and there was a full dimple on show; that should be illegal.
  He put the bear back down where it was, before turning his attention to a photo on the side of my desk. It was of myself,Harry and two other friends sat on a coach on a school trip we went on, we were all pulling faces; except for Harry who was kissing my cheek.

“France trip, 09." I giggled as we looked at us all acting like idiots.
   “We were driving back from the Eiffel tower."Harry smiled as he turned to face me again.
“You remember?" I smiled at his oh so amazing memory.
  “Of course." he laughed.
“Your memories much better than mine,all i remember was that it was in France."
 Harry smiled kissing my cheek then placing the photo back safely on my desk.

   “Can I shower?” Harry asked."I always feel-"
"Disgusting when you travel. yes i know Harry." I laughed laying back on my bed, he was such a primadonna.
  He leaned down to kiss me, which turned into a full on makeout session. I pulled his lower lip between mine.
  “Are you joining me?” He mumbled against my lips.
 I sucked on his lip gently before letting it free,I shook my head and smiled. “I'll have one later, i'm not a diva." I winked.


By the time Harry finished showering, I had re-applied my makeup and checked out the latest stock on Topshop on my laptop.

“How was your shower?” I asked as I propped myself up on to my elbows.
   “Nice, though something or should i say someone was missing." He winked making me roll my eyes. ”It's just like i always remembered though." He smiled as he looked up at me from his bag.

He pulled out a pair of jeans that weren't took skinny,but didn't flare either, he slipped them up his luscious legs and over his hips before walking over to the bed.
 He didn't meet me by my side as i expected him to though, instead he knelt at the end of my bed with a knee either side of my feet.
  His arms then came down and he crawled over my body in an almost cat-like manner making me giggle underneath him, his knees were between my thighs and his were arms either side of my head.
   “You smell nice,”  He murmured against my lips as he held himself above me.
“And you forgot your t-shirt" I replied pecking his lips lightly as I ran my hands along the damp skin of his back.
   “I did? I don't think that was a mistake..” He hummed as he grazed his nose over mine, i hated him for doing it, he knew it was my turn on.
  I caressed his back; his skin was soft and warm, but the muscle beneath was firm. As his lips met mine, he raised his hips slightly and moved his hand between us; pressing his palm against the area between my legs.
"Harry." I said my breath catching."We are not doing this at my parents." I said sternly as he continued.
   "Why not?" He murmured kissing me as he carried on rubbing the material.
"Because we're at my parents, it's like 4pm and they're expecting us back downstairs soon."
   "You're no fun." He chuckled kissing my jaw line, he still hadn't stopped, he then took his hands out my shorts and put them down my knickers.
"Harry!" I whispered, i was worried and turned on,."Stop.Now." He laughed kissing me one final time.
   "Alright but tonight, you can't stop me." He winked.
"Shut up Mr Horny pants, let's go socialise." I laugh jumping off my bed.

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