Releasing Calypso

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I stood next to Barbossa as he was getting ready to free Calypso. "We need to use the Black Pearl as a flagship to lead the attack" Elizabeth said as she climbed onto the Pearl.

"Will we now?" He mocked.

Elizabeth and Will look up to see Tia Dalma/Calypso being led up from below decks, bound with coils and coils of rope.

"Come on, Mrs. Fish." Pintel smirked.

"Barbossa, you can't release her!" Will warned.

At a signal from Barbossa, pirates pull out their pistols and restrain Will and Elizabeth. I watched as this was done and sighed.

"We need to give Jack a chance." He begged.

"He will do what has to be done. This is a part of it." I looked at them as i said this.

"Apologies, yer majesty! Too long me fate has not been in me own hands. No longer." He said, as he yanked Elizabeths knot from her kneck.

Pintel held the bowl containing the pieces of eight in front of Calypso. Barbossa dropped the final three, Jack's dangly piece and Elizabeth's Captain's Knot, and my feather into the bowl.

"Be there some manner of rite or incantation?" Gibbs asked.

"Aye. The items brought together. Done. Items to be burned." Barbossa took the torch from Ragetti. He continued. "And someone must speak the words, Calypso, I release you from your human bonds."

"Is that it?" Pintel asked.

"'Twas said it was to be spoken as if to a lover." He smiled.

All the pirates murmured in anticipation.

"Calypso! I release you from your human bonds!" Barbossa said as he raised the torch above his head.

He put the torch into the bowl containing the pieces of eight, but nothing happened. Everyone turned to look at Barbossa, including Calypso.

I sighed. "Wrong."

"Is that it?" Pintel repeated.

"You didn’t say it right." Ragetti objected. Everyone looked at him. "Y-you have to say it right." Ragetti leaned over and whispered in Calypso's ear. "Calypso? I release you from your human bonds.

The objects in the bowl caught fire, and the bowl floated in the air. The pirates took a stronger hold on the ropes that held Calypso as she began to shake. The smoke from the fire enters her nostrils, and she relaxes, breathing them in.

Will struggled to get closer to her. "Tia Dalma. Calypso. When the Brethren Court first imprisoned you, who was it that told them how? Who was it that betrayed you?"

Calypso was shaking with anger. "Name him!" She demanded.

"Davy Jones." He stated.

Calypso looked heartbroken and began to shake again. In her hurt and anger, she began to grow. The ropes creaked as they wrapped around her, growing higher and higher. They slid through the pirates' hands, giving them rope burns.

"This is it! This is it!" Pintel shouted.

Everyone begins to back away. Calypso grows until she is as tall as the mast. Barbossa and I bowed, and the rest of the ship followed suit. Will and Elizabeth looked at one other, shocked, before kneeling down like everyone else had.

"Calypso, I come before you as a servant, humble and contrite. I have fulfilled me vow, and now ask your favor. Spare meself, me ship, me crew, and unleash your fury upon those who dare pretend themselves your masters... or mine." He requested.

I stood up cut the ropes holding her. "Calypso enjoy life in the sea again."

Calypso smiled down at me and Barbossa, apparently contemplating his words. Then, without warning, her face becomes a snarling mask of rage.

She screamed foreign chants at him as the pirates cower down before her. "Malfaiteur en Tombeau, Crochir l'Esplanade, Dans l'Fond d'l'eau!"

Then she changed herself into a massive tower of crabs which rained down on the deck and the pirates, then pour themselves into the sea.

The pirates struggled to get to their feet, after the crabs were mostly gone. Pintel yanks one off of his nose and Ragetti danced around as he tries to get one out of his pants. Will looked out toward the sea

"Is that it?" Will asked.

"Why, she's no help at all. What now?" Pintel said, looking down at the water.

"Nothing. Our final hope has failed us." Barbossa huffed.

I laughed, and everyone stared at me. "She spoke in French. She wants us to get rid of Davy Jones."

Barbossa looked at me. "Ye sure."

I nodded. "Of course."

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