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Jack, Elizabeth, and I land in the ocean near the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman got swallowed up by the maelstrom. The Black Pearl got closer and we climbed aboard.

Gibbs went to Jack in a hurry. "Jack, the armada's still out there, the Endeavour's coming up hard to starboard, and I think it's time we embraced that oldest and noblest of pirate traditions..."

Jack looked at the Endeavour and thought about what the best thing to do was. "Never actually been one for tradition..." Jack went to the rail of the ship and stared for a moment and thought. "Close haul her. Luff the sail and lay on iron!"

Barbossa stopped him and yelled to the crew. "Belay that, or we'll be a sitting duck."

Jack looked at the crew who all wanted to interrupt and ordered. "Belay that 'belay that.'"

Gibbs tried to interrupt. "But captain..."

"Belay!" Jack repeated.

Gibbs interrupted again. "The armada..."

Jack continued repeating himself. "Belay!"

Gibbs continued to interrupt Jack. "The Endeavour..."

Jack just kept saying it every time when he interrupted. "Belay!"

Gibbs refused to give in. "But we...

Jack: Stow. Shut it! 

We all stared as the Endeavour sails into position to attack us. I stared at the sea where the Flying Dutchmen went down and smiled, as I saw it resurface.

Jack grinned and yelled. "Full canvas!"

Barbossa looked at Jack and competed. "Aye, full canvas!"

The Dutchman and The Black Pearl sailed on either side of the Endeavour and the crew on both ships got the cannons ready. The sails were let loose to flow free and I laugh. I watched as Jack gave the order to fire with a grin. This got Gibbs, Barbossa, Elizabeth and I to yell. "Fire!"

The cannons were released and shot towards the Endeavour crushing it to smithereens. the crew all abandoned the ship and only Beckett remained. I watched as the mast fell down and the deck gave way to the ocean. Beckett was gone to the the sea with his  ship. It was over. 

We all yelled in victory and went to Jack and looked at him. "Jack."

He turned towards me and was still smiling. "Yes, love?"

I raised my hand and slapped him with a smile.

Some time after the waters settled, we watched Elizabeth set sail on a long boat to see Will. I knew what was going to happen. They were going to have their fun and most likely she would get a life.

Nora Raven in At World's EndWhere stories live. Discover now