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While you all rode your bikes to find stuff to fix the other kid up, Eddie was ranting nonstop about hygiene.

"I think it's great we're helping the new kid, but we also have to think about our own safety. I mean, he's bleeding all over and you guys know there's an AIDS epidemic happening right now as we speak. My mom's friend in New York City got it just by touching a dirty pole in the subway and she got AIDS blood into her system by a hangnail, a hangnail! And they can amputate legs and arms but how do you amputate waist? How do you amputate a waist?! You know there are alleyways full of AIDS-infected needles, right? You guys do know that."

The losers finally arrived in an alley and walked into the store. Richie was staying outside to keep an eye on the new guy.

"Can we afford all that?" Bill asked, eyeing the huge pile of medical supplies in Eddie's arms. Stan pulled out a few crumpled dollar bills. "This is all we got."

"Kidding me?" Eddie muttered.

"W-wait, you have an account here, don't you?" Bill pointed out.

"My mom finds out I bought all this stuff for myself? I'm gonna be spending the weekend in the emergency room getting X-rayed."

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a familiar flash of red hair and turned around to see Beverly, the girl from the bathroom. She raised her hand to wave but quickly decided against it and hid something behind her back.

"Oh, hey, Beverly!" You smiled but noticed her pale expression. "Uh- are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Beverly answered quickly. "What's wrong with you?"

"None of your business," Stan replied.

"There's a kid outside and it looks like someone killed him," Eddie said, ignoring Stan giving him a 'shut up' look.

"We need some s-s-s-supplies but we don't have enough money." Bill stammered.

You thought for a moment before glancing up at the medical supplies in Eddie's tiny arms. "Okay, I have an idea, but it's gross as fuck."


"I like your glasses, Mr. Keene." Beverly complimented. Mr. Keene was the owner of the shop and was also known to be a perv. You had been planning to talk to him by yourself, but Beverly had gotten a little concerned and decided to go with you.

"They make you look so much like Clark Kent." You added, smirking at Beverly and trying desperately not to burst out laughing.

Mr. Keene chuckled. "I don't know about that."

"Can I try them?" Beverly asked, staring up at him innocently. He looked around quickly before sliding his glasses off. "Sure."

Beverly put them on and smiled. "What do you think?"

"Well, how 'bout that?" Mr Keene smirked.

You fought off the urge to gag. He leaned closer, and his breath hit you like a bus. "You look just like Lois Lane."

"Really?" Beverly giggled. "Well, here you go."

She handed him back his glasses, purposely knocking something off the counter. "Shoot, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." Mr Keene bent down to pick whatever it was up. You both turned around and saw the boys pushing each other out of the way to the door.

"So, what is it that you want to buy?" Both you and Beverly jumped and faced Mr. Keene again, who had somehow tidied up the mess Beverly had made in seven seconds. You could see the boys panicking and rushing to hide behind one of the shelves.

"Um, just this." You were panicking inside but tried to keep your cool. You pointed at Beverly's box of Tampax. She awkwardly smiled at you, embarrassed, and you smiled back, mouthing 'It's okay'.

"Okay, the total is-"

"OH MY GOD, A BEE!" You screamed, pointing behind Mr Keene. He looked at where you were pointing and squinted. "I don't see a-"

"I HATE BEES! THEY'RE SO SCARY!" Fake tears ran down your face. Maybe a little too dramatic for a bee, but it was working.

"NO WAY, UGH!" Beverly let out a fake scream and grabbed your shoulder. You both tried to keep your laughter in.

"Don't worry, girls, I'll find it." Mr Keene assured you and went to work on finding a bee that wasn't even there.

You whipped around while he was occupied and shooed Eddie, Stan and Bill out of the door. They stumbled into each other as they ran out, dropping medical supplied behind them.

"I think it's gone, no need to panic." Mr Keene turned back around to face you and Beverly. "So the total is $5.99."

what are you afraid of? || eddie kaspbrak x readerWhere stories live. Discover now