"Yeah, I heard he has a roller coaster and, like, old guys and shit-"
Richie and Eddie finally stopped talking when they looked around Ben's room.
"Woah, woah, woah, wow." Richie's already huge eyes widened behind his big glasses.
"Cool, huh?" Ben smiled.
"No, no, nothing cool." Richie looked around in awe. "There's nothing cool."
You rolled your eyes and stood next to Eddie. "Hey, this is cool!"
"No, no it's not." Richie looked amazed. Stan pointed at a piece of paper on the wall covered in writing. "What's that?"
"Oh, that? That's the charter for Derry township." Ben replied.
"Nerd alert," Richie smirked. You elbowed him in the stomach but still laughed nonetheless. "Fuck off, Richie."
"No, actually, it's really interesting," Ben said. "Derry started off as a beaver trapping camp-"
"Still is, am I right, guys?" Richie grinned, putting his hand up. You snorted and reached over to give him a high-five, both of you in fits of laughter while everyone else just looked at you two in disappointment. Stan looked ready to jump out of Ben's bedroom window.
Ben ignored your childishness and continued. "Ninety-one people signed the charter that made Derry. But later that winter, they all disappeared without a trace."
"The entire camp?" Eddie raised his eyebrows.
"There were rumours of Indians but no sign of an attack. Everybody just thought it was the plague or something. But it's like... one day everyone just woke up and left. The only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the well house."
"Jesus, we can get Derry on unsolved mysteries!" Richie commented.
"Wait, where's the well house?" Bill asked.
"I don't know, somewhere in town, I guess," Ben answered. "Why?"
"N-no reason."
All of this mystery stuff was kind of freaking you out a little bit so you decided this was a good time to leave. You grabbed your stuff and turned to the losers. "Bye, guys. I gotta go home, I have... stuff to do."
"Bye, (Y/n)." Everyone replied.
"See you." Eddie smiled, waving slightly before he realised how uncool it looked and cleared his throat. You smiled back. "See ya, Eds."
Surprisingly, he didn't complain about the nickname. You suddenly noticed Ben and Beverly grinning at you, Bill making a heart shape with his hands, and worst of all Richie and Stan pretending to make out. There was no doubt they were mocking you and Eddie, but luckily he didn't see any of it since it was all behind his back.
You glared at your friends and Richie made a kissy-face in return. Charming.
"Okay, well, bye then." You directed all of your sweetness towards Eddie, who was still adorably clueless about what was going on behind him, and glared at the rest of the losers while they pranced around with lovesick grins like a group of idiots.
Before they could do anything else to embarrass the hell out of you, you rushed out of Ben's house. If Eddie had seen any of that he would've known for sure you liked him.
You continued walking and picked up the pace when creepy noises that sounded like footsteps echoed through the town. Or were those really footsteps? You stopped walking and listened. The sound became louder and louder. They were definitely footsteps coming after you.
"Oh, shit!" You cursed under your breath and started sprinting in the other direction. Whoever it was was right at your heels by then.
Like in those clichė horror movies, you didn't see the huge rock jutting out of the ground and tripped over it. It was just your luck that you landed face-first into a small pile of broken glass. The glass cut your face but you got up and turned to run again, but stopped when you noticed Eddie was standing behind you stock-still. So he was the one chasing you this entire time. "Eddie, you son of a bitch! You scared the shit out of me-"
"I hate you." He interrupted.
"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" Eddie screamed. His eyes started glowing bright yellow and you took a step back. "What- what did I do?"
"Why do you love me?" (ahh I love that song) He glared at you. "The losers- they told. They told because they hate you, just like I do."
"Eddie, I-"
"THEY HATE YOU! WE ALL DO!" Eddie began shaking violently and black oil began to pour out of his eyes and mouth (think of it like billie eilish's 'when the party's over' music video). "It was their idea to kill you... they want you dead... and so do I. So now I'm going to make everyone happy by doing what they have always wanted to do themselves."
He pulled a knife out of thin air and calmly walked towards you. "I hate you, Beverly hates you, Bill hates you, Richie hates you, Ben hates you, Stanley hates you-"
Eddie was now right in front of you with the knife at your throat. "-We all hate you."
While your brain was screaming, 'Run, dumbass, run!' your legs were glued to the ground. All that was going through your head right then was how your friends had betrayed you. It was one of your biggest fears; that the people you loved would stab you in the back.
"Eddie, stop!" Suddenly, Eddie began to slowly change. He grew bigger, his black-brown hair faded to orange, his hairline became kind of hideous and his face paled until it was as white as any Disney princess (sorry). Soon enough, he had become an ugly-ass clown.
"Time to float, (Y/n)!" He rasped, reaching for your neck. That was when your nervous system finally clicked and two seconds later you were running for your life. For some reason, the clown wasn't following and you just heard him laughing maniacally in the background.
"I'm just going to give your little boyfriend a visit now!" It called after you. You covered your ears and continued running.
"Don't worry, (Y/n)! You'll float with Eds! We'll all float together!"

what are you afraid of? || eddie kaspbrak x reader
Fanfiction[completed] "DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH ME!" "Eddie. Eddie, it'll be okay, just look at me." Please don't read this book I promise you it's not good 😭