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Eddie, Richie, Mike and Bill ran through the greywater, calling Stan's name, then came to a stop in front of a huge metal door. They struggled to force it open.

"Help!" Stan screamed from inside. The door finally burst open after a lot of pushing and straining, and the losers rushed in. Eddie grabbed a flashlight of the ground and shined it right at Stan... who was getting his face sucked off. And no, not in the 'hot' way, this was far from making out. His face was literally being eaten by some kind of creature.

The boys were all so distracted by Stan, that none of them had noticed that there was one person missing from the group:


✸ ✸ ✸

"Help us!"

"Hurry, It's going to come back any second!"

You sprinted down the tunnel in the direction of Stan and Beverly's voices, debating with yourself whether or not to go back and tell your friends where you were going. On one hand, it'd probably be good for them to know so you could all go together, which would be a lot safer, but on the other hand, Stan and Beverly had just said that It was going to come back any second. So by the time you would have alerted the rest of the losers and run all the way back over, they could already be gone.


You choked on air when you heard the familiar voice coming from behind. "Bev?! You're okay?!"

"Of course I'm okay!" The ginger-haired girl gave you a slightly creepy grin.

"But... you and Stan were screaming for help, like, two seconds ago!"

"Yeah, I know. Stan's here, too, you wanna see him?" Beverly cupped her hands around her mouth a giggled like a kindergartener. "Stanleyyyyy~"

By then, you had already established that this was obviously the clown. You weren't that stupid. Maybe stupid enough to leave the group and run around the lair of a psycho demon alone, but not stupid enough to be oblivious to the fact that this was not your friend.

"You found us, (Y/n)!" Stan appeared from the shadows with a huge smile. "I'm so glad you did, wanna know why?"

"Not really, so I'm just gonna leave now." You turned around to start running in the other direction, but 'Beverly' was already standing there. "No. Stay with us."

"We can all float together, now." They both said in sync, grabbing each other's hand. Their skin began to melt together until they were one form: the form of, you guessed it, Pennythot the Dancing Whore.

Before you could react or do anything, it wrapped his uglyass hand around your throat and squeezed tightly. "Do you want to float with Bevvy?"

It carried you by the neck effortlessly (okay honestly i'd be happy if pennythot could actually carry me i'm too fat for that shit) and bought you over to a huge area with dark shapes floating in the air. A flash of ginger hair caught your eye and you saw Beverly, with her eyes completely expressionless and grey, hovering a few feet off the ground next to you.

"What did you do to her?!" You choked out, tears threatening to spill. The clown smiled, showing razor-sharp teeth. "Exactly what I'm going to do to you."

It opened his mouth and you saw a bright light, then everything faded away.

i apologise for the shittiness of this chapter but here is a relatable meme for y'all bi/pan folks:

                                                                     ^                                                                    credits: bisexual_bitches on instagram (follow them they                                                     ...

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                                                                    credits: bisexual_bitches on instagram (follow them they                                                                                  awesome)

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