It's been about a month since the Losers Club split up.
You hadn't talked to any of your friends after the fight, apart from calling Bill and Beverly once, so mostly you just lounged around at home. It felt a little weird not seeing the losers for a long period of time.
Suddenly, the phone started ringing. You rolled off the couch, frustrated that you would have to get up, and picked it up with an annoyed scowl.
"Whoever you are, I hope you know that you interrupted me from being lazy so you can go fuck y-"
"(Y/n), it's B-Bill."
You stopped ranting.
"Oh. Uh- hello, Bill."
"You n-need to meet us in f-f-front of my house now."
"Why? What happened?"
"It got Beverly."
Your mouth dropped open. Even though you hadn't known Beverly for that long, she was already your best friend, and if she needed saving then you were definitely going.
"I'm on my way."
~_-~_-~_-~_-~_-~with our beautiful spaghetti<3_-~_-~_-~_-~_-~_-
Eddie had really thought Greta was being nice for once when she offered to sign his cast, so he gave her a chance.
And how did that turn out?
Well, now, written in big, bold letters on the front of his arm, was the word 'Loser'.
What a bitch.
He was still trying to figure out how to get rid of that embarrassing word when the phone rang. Dropping his unused red marker, he went to answer it.
"E-Eddie. You need to c-c-come meet me in front of my house. The clown got -B-B-Beverly."
Eddie heard a familiar voice in the background and froze. It was (Y/n). (Y/n) was there.
He still felt extremely guilty about what had happened with his mom. He knew what she was doing was wrong, of course, but just didn't have the guts to speak up. Richie had said it himself: he expected way better from Eddie. Everyone probably did.
"Is he coming?" Your muffled voice asked from the background.
"Eddie? Y-you coming?" Bill repeated the question.
"Okay. I'll be there."
Eddie hung up and started walking towards the door, but his mom stepped out of the living room, eyeing him suspiciously. "And where do you think you're going?"
"Out with my friends," Eddie replied without hesitation.
"Sweetie, you can't go." His mom said innocently. "You're getting over your sickness, remember?"
"Sickness? Okay, what sickness, ma?" He pulled out the bottle of pills. "You know what these are? They're gazebos. They're bullshit!"
He threw the bottle on the ground so forcefully, it broke, scattering pills everywhere.
Eddie's mom looked down at the broken bottle then back at Eddie. "They help you. I had to protect you."
"Protect me? By lying to me, keeping me locked inside this hellhole?"
"That slut, (Y/n), has influenced you to be like this, hasn't she? You're not going out, you're obviously just going to see her. She's ruining you, Eddie Bear, and I've made it clear that you can't hang out with that whore."
That made Eddie angry, angrier than he had ever been in his entire life. "Don't call her that! (Y/n) isn't a slut or a whore! She's the one who's always there for me, and I love her, so don't you fucking dare tell me what to do! I'm going out whether you like it or not!"
Eddie's mother screamed after her son as he sprinted away, but it was too late for her.
He was already gone.
In your fucking face, Sonia.
sorry i just rlly hate eddies mom

what are you afraid of? || eddie kaspbrak x reader
Fanfiction[completed] "DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH ME!" "Eddie. Eddie, it'll be okay, just look at me." Please don't read this book I promise you it's not good 😭