You reveal your relationship on KUWTK

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You and Kendall have been dating for 8 months now, all behind the media's back. At first, nobody thought that you could hide it, but here we are 8 months later.

However, it was getting more difficult every day to hide your relationship. You wanted to go to her runway walks without being attacked by paparazzi, and she wanted to come to one of your concerts without a million tabloids and media sites speculating and creating rumours. 

So, you two came to an agreement. The secrecy would end now (Sundays at 9pm on E! ;D). 

And you thought, what better way to reveal it than on the family TV show?

So there you were together, on the interview set of KUWTK, her nervous and you excited. 

"Babe, breathe. Why so nervous?" You asked, kissing her temple comfortingly. 

Kendall shrugged. "So many people aren't going to like this. I...I just don't want you to leave because of all the hate." she said softly making you smile. 

"Kenny, I told you this when we started dating and a million times in between, but I'll say it again. I am madly in love with you. No hater, tabloid or rumour will change that." you promised softly and tilted her head up to make her look at you. You grinned at her blushing face and pressed a light little kiss on her rosy lips. "Ready?"

Kendall grinned, a confident light shining in her eyes after your words. "Ready as I'll ever be."

You grin and flash a thumbs up at the crew who roll the cameras and start the interview.

"So there's been a lot of speculation on whether Y/N and I are a couple." Kendall began, smiling at the camera with a perfect poker face. "Well-" 

You cut off her next sentence with a sweet kiss, to which she melted into, a grin on both your faces once you pulled away. "I think that answers their questions." you murmur, still gazing at her, before glancing at the camera with a smirk. 

"And cut." One of the crew members called grinning at the confident you, and the blushing Kendall by your side. Although none of them knew you two that well, they were confident that this relationship would last, haters and all. 

Kendall Jenner x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now