Chaper 1 The Laaird awakens

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an: hai hai! it's me, rose (kat) back agian with a new part.... my freind told me tht she would make a cool movie about my book (thanks octo; squee :3) so i wrote a cast list! she sadi i sould share so here it is lol <3 tell me if you like it hahaha

i would play kit (ive taken theatre at school so i would do good

Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco would play aird thomson

octo would play octo (and be really good at it because shes random XD)

random people would play the others lol

todays chapter is really excitig! itll be so good haha youll love it so stay seated!!


pov :lad tompson:

laird thompson is very angry! he kikc=s his dog Fido... it crys out agrily and licks it's paws... "rrrrgh!!! Why wont anyone listen to me around here." lard thompso nyells, And then his perfect servant octo appears.

"i hope you are ok laird thompson i made you som tea and mikl!!! octo says while handing him perfect tea and milki.

">:( thiscannot hlep me!!! i still have not found a cute girlfriend with pretty shoundler legth brown hair and sparlky blue eyes which sparklr like a splarly waterfall over a flowered garder!"

"oh no thast unfortunate as i have short blondy hair and green eyes which glema like a grassy garden in front off an idyllic an : look it up its is a cool word)" viscous waterfall.

it is okay because you are still my best servant! says lard thomsom ancouregingly. he then kicks Fido agian!!! >:( I wish that perfect brides simpley appeared at my dorr.......


PoV: kit: 2:

Kit appaersa at the door to the catsle! (an: butLaird thompson said this couldnt happen XDXDXD) she starts singing her favorite song to cam herself down!

"Ah, well imagine, and im pacing a pew in a church called adore, " and suddenly the time travel DVD interrupts her sing! "why did you do that i was singing my favorite song by Panic! At The Disco!?" "i was to let you know that you are at you are your destinaton and your destiny awaits you here?" "wow my destiny, sounds cool1" "it will be cool anyways be sure not to be kicked by lairrd thompson lol ;)" and the time travel dvd began to dispear! " hey wait please i wannt to go home! but the dvd had already dissapeared so kit walked into the nice grey castle so she wouldnt be in the codl outsdie anymore!

"someone is knocking at my door?!?" lair thomson exclaimsed! "yes but i will get it!" the great servant octo said. she walked downstairs and got it. "good job" he and kit said togetherly. "wow we are in such great sinc already this must be love?" "wow you look nice" said octo "wow yeah i do and you too" said kit and they both giggled

"oh my goodness you two will probable by best freids here at the castle!" said him and the girls laughed happily because they were happy to meet each other "this is godo because I=i need an ew servany anyway! and kit grabbd a mop and smiled!! " i am good at cleanin and other things becuaes i used to be a maid" and everyone looked at her all weird "whats wrong" "i dont know whats a maif said octo (an: shes really smart in real life and pased all her classes and probly kn ows what maids is in real life but this is historical ficton and im a good writer!" "oh ok" ad kit startd cleaning

hey whats this kit said and points at a family creast thet said ''live smite midyear'' "that is a fmaily crest! it is say live smite midyear because that is my motto and referends a ritual propecy war! anyways keep cleaning!!" and he kicks his dig....

and as kit is cleaneng while listening for Punk Rock by Panic! At The DIsco on her mp3 playet she is happy then her mp3 players die! "oh no tie travle cd ples help me ;A;" but it didn't so fhe sinighed her assigninment withiut great songs :( (an ;its really hard to clean without musc irl too hahah :>) and at night she talked to laird tompson.

"your cleaning was so good but tomorroe itll be harder because you have to make my coffee and stuff." he said while looking at kit "thanks haha anyways my mp3 player died and can you charge it?" "i dont know what that mens :/" and kit faceplams "oh yeah i frogot 0///9" "anyways as a smrat man i think if i hit this with a bolt of lightning it eill be done like you say and because you are so pretty and nice i will do it for you!" "wow"

and even as it stroms outside laird thiomp hilds up the mp3 play er and quickly lightning strikes it and BOOM!!! Kit wacths out the windoe and his awesome abs are illumitated by the viscous lighting. "wow hes soooo hot <3" and as he scales the stairs the water on his chest maks his sparke! wow you llok good without a shirt" kit accidently sayhs and then blushes hard in a cute way "You know what I think you might not be suhc a bad servant." laird says and then he goes to bed.

Kit lies in her new dorm and is very excited! "I think he loves me a lot! I'm so exited!" Her mp3 player is at full bettery so she puts it on her bed table and smiles to sleep for the first tme!


an: wow thngs are finnaly looking up! i can't wait see all the twists wow 0//0 i hop e you all like it i used simbolism and also octo is in t so [please send me that movie hahaha! sorry thi one took so long my parents took my phon. :(((((( love you all -kat rose

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