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"In times like these we have no words, we have only each other. We come together today to mourn the loss of Alex Shaggoth, beloved son of Lawrence. Scripture tells us that the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these. Have peace, and know that Alex is walking with the Father today."

The preacher continued on, his droning voice spouting "comforting" scripture to the small gathering. In the front, feeling the tears on his face mingle with the rain, stood the boy's father, Lawrence Shaggoth. Drowning out the monotonous speaking, he looked down at the too-small casket, knowing his too-young little boy was inside.

He felt as invisible and useless as he had the day he lost him. He couldn't stop playing it over in his head, the way he wasn't fast enough, that truck that came out of nowhere, his son's blood covering his trembling hands.

He'd been invisible to the paramedics when they arrived, and everyone since just gave him sad smiles and moved on with their day. He supposed the world couldn't stop just because his world had, it carried on, as mad as usual.

He didn't notice the crowd dispersing around him, people glancing his way and giving small whispers to their neighbors, no doubt casting suggestion at him being a poor father.

The preacher waited until everyone left, and looked to Lawrence, "The service is over sir, say your goodbyes."

The man stepped towards the small casket, closed so people couldn't see the damage done the ten-year-olds tiny body, and rested a hand on it, tears flowing freely.

"I'm so sorry, Alex, I'm so so sorry."

He let out a choked sob, "I love you, Monster."

A heartbeat of stillness passed, and Lawrence swore he felt his son's arms around his waist.

"I love you, Daddy. Goodbye."

He felt another sob get caught in his throat, and forced himself to turn away, walking to his car. As he climbed in, he saw the booster seat in the back, as if it were waiting for Alex to climb in too.

"I need to get away from here."

Mirror: A Beetlejuice Reverse AUWhere stories live. Discover now