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Hehe memes ⬆️

Y/n POV 

Me and max get to the arcade and go  inside. Shit Pac-Mans taken. I say. I walk over to max who's already playing dig dug. Tell me more about these kids you've been hanging out with. I say trying to make conversation. Oh well there pretty cool. There names are mike Dustin Lucas and will. She says. Ohhh the av club boys. I say. Yep....uhhh quick question do you want to spend the night at my house so we can hang out ya know cents we haven't talked in a while? She asks me. Oh that sounds fun let me just call my mom really quick so she doesn't think I died. I say as I walk over to the phone that's sitting on the front desk. Can I use the phone? I ask the guy sitting behind the desk I think his name is Keith. Sure just don't take to long. He says but I'm already reaching for the receiver. Uhhh hey mom.I say into the phone. Can I spend the night at Max's? Are here parents home? She asks suspiciously. Sure? I say not knowing weather or not here parents are home. Well ok then just be home at 3 tomorrow. She says still not convinced that Max's parents are going to be home. Thanks. I say quickly and slam the phone down. Hey be careful with that phone young lady! I hear Keith shout as I walk back to max. Wud she say? Max says clearly excited. It's a yes! I say like I'm getting married. Great let's get going. 


I know I know I know it's a short chapter but I'm tired so yeah. Not spell checking.

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