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Can we all just appreciate that picture? 

Y/n POV 

Uhh finally. I said to myself as the bell the indicated that school was over rang. I got to my locker and grabbed my skateboard and looked at the note one last time it had been on my mind all day. Why does she suddenly want to talk now? Why the hell did she stop hanging out with me in the first place? Did I do something wrong? I start to walk out of school and once I get to the parking lot I drop my skateboard on the ground and start moving the parks a little ways away so it's gonna take at least 011(hehe see what I did there) minutes to get there. Once I arrive I see max all ready sitting on a set and as soon as she sees me she gets up and walks over. 

Max POV 

I walk out of school and start skating to the park. Shit shit. I say under my breath. How am I supposed to explain why I stopped talking to her? Will she understand I mean I can't tell her the exact reason. Is she mad at me? Stupid question of course she's mad at me. I'm so stupid she was nice and funny and she stood up for me when Troy was being a asshole and not to mention she is amazing at Pac-Man I mean she beat my top score and everyone else's god she was my only friend how could I be so stupid and ditch her. I make it to the park and sit on a bench. Not to long after I get to the park I see her skate up. I get up and walk over to her. Max. She says coldly. Why did you ask me to come her? Did you want to apologize because before you do I have a lot of questions. Like why the hell did you just out of the blue ditch me? And not even a hello at school? Just why? she says clearly upset. A lot happened. I say quietly. Yeah? Like what exactly? She says sarcastically. Did you her the roomers? Am I not cool enough? No no! I say quickly. It's not that I don't even know what you mean by roomers. I started hanging out with these guys and   there was a lot of stuff happening that I promised I wouldn't talk about and I well I just got caught up in that shit. Oh.......ok. She says looking at the ground. What exactly can you not say? She says giving me a stare. Well I can't say what I can't say.  I say in a smart ass tone. Touché. She says giving me a slight smile. How about we go to tha arcade and catch up? I suggest. Hmmm...doesn't sound to bad. She says.And we head of to the arcade. 


Hi people I hope you like this chapter I'm sorry for not updating I was going through some shit with my parents and I plan to update more this week also my school is going on winter break next week so I will be able to update more then anyways I'm signing off for tonight byeee.

(Didn't spell check) 

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