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Max POV 

Do you girls want dinner?Steve asks after Dustin leaves. I'm good. I say. Wut about you? I ask turning to y/n but she was already looking at me as if she was lost in thought. Earth to y/n. I say waving my hand in front on her face. She quickly snaps out of it and blushes which causes me to blush too for some reason. Oh uh no thanks. She says flashing a cute smile. 

*time skip*

Y/n POV 

You guys are  good to go now Billy's probably left for the party. Alright thanks Steve ya know for everything. Max says starting to put on her shoes. Yeah no problem but you two might want to borrow some flashlights. Steve says handing us both a flashlight. Thank you. Me and max both say at the same time. Oh and it was nice meeting you y/n. He says. Yeah you to. I say which isn't a lie cos Steve is actually pretty cool. Also side note I think I like girls but still not sure.

*yup another time skip*

Max POV 

Me and y/n just got to my house and no sign of Billy thank god. Can I borrow something to wear? Y/n asks looking into my closet. Yeah let me grab you something. I say as she turns to look at a poster on my wall. I walk over to the closet and reach for a shirt but she turns around and our noses are almost touching. I feel a blush creep to my cheeks as we stand there. Sorry we say in union. Uh I can move. We say at the same time again. I try to move but she also moves at the same time and now we're closer if that's even possible. Y/n slowly moves back and I hand the shirt to her. Th-thanks she says.

Y/n POV 

YEP I DEFINITELY LIKE GIRLS. I walk into the bathroom and change into the oversized T-shirt. You can come out. I hear Max yell. I open the door and see max starting to get into bed wearing an oversized T-shirt like me but with a band logo on it that I don't recognize. I hop into bed next to her and she turns of the lights. Goodnight y/n she says. Goodnight. I say back. A little while later I  hear Max's soft slow breathing and can tell she's asleep and I feel her slowly get closer to me and put a arm around my torso I smile to myself and start to fall into a deep sleep.


Sry for not updating in a while but I hope you liked this chapter and thanks for reading my book didn't spell check (as usual) don't forget to vote. Have a good day/night

458 words 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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